Why does my hair shed a lot? How do you prevent hair loss?


Daily I have to clean my floor 4x a day pickup hair in my bathroom. When I take off my shirt there’s always a hair strand falling. I’m tired of hair everywhere and cleaning it. My hair grew super long but sheds a lot and is super thin. In past I have gone to the doctor and gotten blood taken out and they say I’m fine and send me home with no vitamins. Do not say go to the doctor I’m tried going to Kaiser they won’t do shit for my hair loss. I’m 90 lbs used to be 96lbs and lost weight due to stress, I live alone and feel stressed dull empty most of the times. Having finance issues and sales are bad rn from my business. I have brith control shot 3 years now so maybe that is causing hair loss?

Why does my hair shed a lot? How do you prevent hair loss?
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