How can I convince her to exercise with me and make similiar changes to her lifestyle as me in order to lose weight and build muscle?

I (30m) was 260 pounds at my heaviest. I was sent to a weight loss doctor and dietican for counseling. They recommended Ensure total protein meal replacement shakes because I commonly skipped meals, and this was a way to keep my motablism going while providing minimal calories for the replaced meal. They also really harped on me getting exercise. I started out by speed walking, about 3 mph, and laps at the mall. After 3 to 4 weeks of this, I decided to walk outside. I live in an area with lots of hills, and I happen to live at the bottom of one very large hill that is about a mile and a half long. I walked it every day this week. I am currently down to 225 pounds, and my smartwatch is giving me details on my progress. While I am not happy with how slow the numbers on the scale are going down, it turns out it's for a good reason it's slow. I am putting on a good bit of muscle while losing fat.

My wife (29 f) weighs, and I can not give an exact number here, but I know it's roughly 300 pounds. I encouraged her to drink one of my meal replacement shakes since she skips meals all the time. She said its taste/texture is so off-putting that she is disgusted by it, so she continues to skip meals. I ask her to go for a walk with me, exercise being the main goal, and she either says no, or she is completely dissenterested in the exercise portion of the walk and comes to a complete standstill to focus on pokemon go, usually either catching stuff or battling team rocket. For context, when I am walking, I am able to maintain my pace of 3 mph and play Pokemon Go.

How can I get her to actually focus on doing whats good for her body and joining me on this weight loss health journey?
How can I convince her to exercise with me and make similiar changes to her lifestyle as me in order to lose weight and build muscle?
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