How fat will I get after starving myself?

our community rec-center is doing this 30 hour famine thing. We get people to sponsor us to starve for 30 hours and we stay at the rec-center for the 30 hours just to make sure we don't eat I guess. they are setting up activities to keep us busy and movies and stuff, however I've heard that when people starve themselves they get really fat once they eat again and i;m like really skinny and don't want to get fat. and I eat like sh*t. I am one of those people who can eat McDonald's a lot and not get fat so I am worried that after I do this ill start to get obese or something since I don't live off salads. I love junk food and I have the metabolism for it. my friends all volunteered and they think I am being ridiculous by not wanting to do this. anyone know if I'll gain weight or not? Because if so I am not doing it. its suppose to raise awareness for starving people I guess but I refuse to get fat. I'll donate the money first if I have to.
How fat will I get after starving myself?
13 Opinion