Will I have extra skin after weight loss?

I'm 16 years old and I weigh about 167 pounds. I am going away over the summer with my friend and we are going on a diet together. No bread , no sugar diet. I will not starve myself but I will keep my calorie intake at about 1000 to 1200 calories. I will also be swimming, playing tennis, lifting weights, and doing some cardio. I am hoping to lose around 30 pounds in the 2 months I will be spending with her. I am wondering how much extra skin will I have. I have an apple body shape right now and I'm 5'4. Apple body shape meaning I carry most if not all my fat in my mid section. . How excessive will this extra skin be ? Will I be able to get rid of it without surgery? In a way I am afraid to lose the weight because I don't want to have to deal with the extra skin.

Help me please!
Will I have extra skin after weight loss?
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