How to eat healthy on very little money on the go and homeless?

How to eat healthy on very little money on the go and homeless?

I'm currently broke and homeless ( which is only temporarily, most likely will have a place Jan lst) and need some good healthy snacks I can buy or carry on me through out the day to help me with energy and to lose weight ( also overweight and wanna lose it) ( I would like to eat something from each of the Canadian food guide; one fruit, one veggie, one meat and dairy. I'm just not sure how I can eat dairy Because dairy is apparently not good for me, but soy milk I like to drink. Should I just buy a vitamin supplement or what?

I also do a lot of walking around during the day looking for places and appointments, that I don't really go to the shelter house and churches that offer free hot meals? I need something on the go you know. Any good advice and such would be appreciated on how to eat healthy on a very little money would?
How to eat healthy on very little money on the go and homeless?
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