Women: Do You Take The Message To Heart?


This video by Dove is incredibly well done imo and makes a powerful statement about how at some point it seems like women (not all, but a great deal) for some reason stop seeing themselves as beautiful or not caring necessarily about how they looked like they did as a kid.

I wonder, do you girls (and guys I guess, but tbh it's not nearly as big a problem with guys as it is for women, studies show men tend to think they are more attractive than they are lol) do the same thing? Do you shy away from a camera because you're so concerned you don't look good or something silly? I mean, come on, the only truly ugly women are those who are shallow, selfish, and small minded (same with ugly men).
I shy from the camera, but this makes me think at least a little differently about it
I shy from the camera and this doesn't really make me think differently
I never shy away from the camera, but this did make me think about it
I never shy away from the camera and this didn't really make me think about it
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+1 y
Too many of you girls are too damn critical of yourselves and insecure basically, Start realizing you're all fine. No reason to think so negatively of yourselves and your appearances.
Women: Do You Take The Message To Heart?
7 Opinion