Ex says it will take time for us to get back together?

I’ve poured my heart out and really tried hard to get my ex to be with me but no matter what I do isn’t good enough.
He says he wants to take baby’s steps this I’ve been told this for a long time while he went out and partied and got with other girls.
I ask him does he want to be with me he tells me yes and that he loves me but I don’t feel it. He’s all the time following other women on socials talking to them last night he ignored my what’s app message but was online on what’s app the whole night I know I shouldn’t notice these things but just I’m hurt.
All he seems to want to do with me is book hotels and stay with me in them but it’s just for s*x he tells me it’s not but every time it is. I told him I just want to be loved and adored by someone so badly and he says he does but again I don’t feel it.

I’m just sick of being made feel so small by him and I think I am pretty but he makes me feel so ugly. I’ve literally watched him make out with another girl in-front of me and I still tried to push it aside and try for him and it’s like he doesn’t see this sometimes I think is he doing all this just to hurt me or I don't know.
Ex says it will take time for us to get back together?
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