How to help my mentally challenged brother be healthy/ a good book recommendation?

He is very unhealthy, eats donuts, MacDonald's, rarely gets outside mostly watches cartoons all day. My parents don't really care about health/are idiots. I am too poor to afford to buy him good food, I am trying to convince him to come grocery shopping with me (using his social security money). He has gotten his health education from TV ads, I hear him repeat what they say in the ads but I know he doesn't really understand it, I would love to find a book for him about health that make it simple and easy to understand, I don't really want a kid's book because he would not take it seriously and I don't want him to feel like a child(he's 23). I am really bothered by the health industry and all the lies that are out there just to make someone money. I try to tell my brother, fruits and veggies are good for you, the sun is good for you, but it doesn't really sink in... we have a great relationship though if I make him a fruit smoothie he will drink it, I have started a garden and that has helped him eat more veggies and also he comes outside to hang out with me, I will keep doing these things, but would like him to have a book to reference and be reminded.
How to help my mentally challenged brother be healthy/ a good book recommendation?
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