Why do we use average size when determining weight and clothing size but median when considering salary?

disclaimer, I am talking about the USA. Specific numbers are female dress size.

We use median household income to determine the average salary of the US family.

For those not currently in a math class, let me remind you.

Mean, Median, Mode. Mean is the mathematical average, Median is the middle number. Mode is the most common number.

So, when we consider salary, we use median because the Mean will not find the true average as their are outliers. Namely Lebron James and the CEOs of Bank of America and CITI Group.

If we calculated the mean salary of the USA, it would probably be like 350 thousand dollars!

Do any of you make $350K? No? OK, so that is obviously not accurate. Therefore we use the Median, because that gives us a more accurate number of like 60K ish probably.

So let us go to weight. doesn't this same concept apply?

Something like 10% of the population in the USA are Obese.

The average womens size is like 14? WTF? I don't know any women who are that size and I rarely see them! I would guess the average size is around 7 or 8.

The problem? MEAN.

When finding the average women's size we use mean and then it comes out to like 14. Why the hell do we do that? The Median and mode size is probably 7-8.

So the question is. Look at yourself, and your friends and all the girls that you know. ARE MOST OF THEM SIZE 14? If not, what size are they?

Why use median with household salary to get rid of outliers ruining the statistic and not use median when determining average size?

Why do we use average size when determining weight and clothing size but median when considering salary?
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