Would you break up with a girl if she gained 8 pounds?

I have a weird relationship with food. It's my passion--I love to cook and bake, but usually healthy food. I've had some health issues with food too and was gluten free for five years, but that's all cleared up now. In the past few years I've had some eating disorder symptoms but have never been diagnosed (have you heard of the book "almost anorexic"? it's like that). Anyway, I've been dating my boyfriend for four months and when we met I was about 8 lbs lighter because I was really stressed and careful about my weight. We've been apart for six weeks because I have an internship in a different city and I'm coming back in a few days. Like I said, I've gained 8 pounds, which isn't all that much but I keep obsessing that he will think I'm fat because he met me when I was my thinnest. I'm nervous the eating disorder symptoms will return because I want him to think I'm attractive. Do you think he will notice or care? I'm 5'6 and weigh 132 pounds now that I've gained the weight.
Would you break up with a girl if she gained 8 pounds?
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