Social Responsibility At Christmas: Feeding The Homeless


Today is Christmas day, and I get that everyone is probably chilling with the family, getting presents, eating good food- and that's awesome.

But not every person has a family to spend it with, or food on the table, some can't afford presents- and many don't even have a home.

Now, I know, there's many people out there doing this kind of thing, and if you've got a story like that to share, then drop it in the comments.

But I want to share one with you guys, I saw on YouTube and then read upon myself.

Social Responsibility At Christmas: Feeding The Homeless

A fish and chip shop in Cardiff stayed open for three hours on Christmas day, to help the homeless, elderly and most vulnerable of our society, by giving meals out for free.

Owner of the shop, Muhammad Nazaka, aged 46, told ITV news: "Christmas day is a special day. And me and my team all decided to open on Christmas Day, to make a special day, our special day with them. The homeless people because you know there's more more increasing, and I want to specially say thank you to my team, my wife who's behind me, I want to thank to every single one who's behind me, and we want to say thank you you are a great people, and great people make Great Britain we love you all you are our families."

Now, I'm going to mention it- because I've only seen one YouTube channel, and one news outlet mention this.

Muhammad is an Asian Muslim, who is an immigrant, and it's his Muslim faith which has inspired him to do this good deed.

I'm saying this because whenever there is a terrorist attack, or a bad deed done by a Muslim or an immigrant- the media is quick to highlight the fact that the perpetrator is Muslim and/or an immigrant and people don't seem to let that go.

However, I've only seen one YouTube channel highlight Muhammad's faith, and one news outlet highlight Muhammad's faith- and the YouTuber was a Muslim, and the writer for the news outlet was a Muslim.

It's as if the media only want to instill fear into people and portray Muslims and immigrants in a bad light

And I as a Muslim can say, that it is his faith and culture that inspired him to do this.

People always like to tell me as a Muslim Asian (specifically Pakistani) what is apart of our culture, and what's apart of our religion, well I'll tell you all that it's things like this story which is apart of both our culture and religion.

I remember when I started the whole library campaign and told my dad about it one of the first things he said to me was: "It's part of your Muslim duty to do this. A library is a place of education, a for us Muslims, a place of education is equal to a place of worship."

That's the real culture and the real Muslim religion. Helping the poor. Helping places of worship and education.

And guys it's not just Muslims and immigrants giving back to society, and helping the poor. I've seen every demographic on the news do it, people of all faiths, people of all races, of all walks of life. Because whether a person is Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, Agnostic or any other faith or non-faith, whether a person, black, white or Asian, whether a person is an immigrant or not- people are people everywhere you go, and the majority of people are good.

And it sickens me, that I've seen so many people, blame immigration and the homeless individuals themselves for homelessness.

In my eyes, it is society's responsibility to help the poor and needy. It's called social responsibility- believe it or not but once I told this to someone on G@G and they accused me of being a Chinese communist bot. What because I believe society should come together and give a helping hand to the poor and needy?

And yes, the wealthy do have a responsibility to help society too- because where would they be without society? It's society that's helped them get wealthy. The big businesses wouldn't be big business without customers, workers etc. So they should give back to society- and I don't mean just through taxes.

Like uncle Ben tells Peter Parker in Spider-Man...

With great power comes great responsibility

With holding a lot of money comes great power. And without society they wouldn't have all that money, so they have a great responsibility to give back to society? Are they?

It doesn't look like it, yet here we have small business owners, and just regular people like Muhammad- giving back to society even though they don't have billions to give.

And then you get companies with billions, giving next to to nothing back to society.

What a world we live in.

Social Responsibility At Christmas: Feeding The Homeless
16 Opinion