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1 y

Consent is needed for marriage, not divorce - agree or disagree?

It makes sense to me, the way it is. Yes, both people need to consent before entering into a contract. But being in a relationship is a choice. Choice to enter, choice to leave. "Bastard" is... Break Up & Divorce

1 y

In your opinion, are stay at home husbands LAZY or BRAVE?

Neither. But they have enough inner confidence to shirk social customs, or societal 'norms' and live their life as works best for them and their partner. I think it's a good sign if a man can... Relationships

1 y

Are good looking guys arrogant?

Some of the best looking people are not arrogant. They have a healthy level of confidence. But if you keep going for those 6ft+ and fit types, they're far more likely to be vain, and for their... Dating

1 y

Any tips to help a friend with Tinder?

This photo is incongruous with what you wrote. It's convoluting whatever the real issue is. Dating

1 y

Do you think people who claim they practice self love put themselves on a pedestal above everyone else?

Interesting q. Not a pedestal, but it's almost like an audacious or unapologetic declaration of individualism and prioritizing the self; and while some of that is necessary to one's existence,... Relationships

1 y

Girls, do you find crooked teeth on a guy a turn-off?

It's not exactly attractive, but crooked teeth don't have any disadvantage practically, functionally. I don't like superficial, vain men. So I'd probably be ok with it. Dating

1 y

Romantically speaking, do you believe you need to love yourself in order to love someone else?

Nah. I don't understand the self-love movement. I don't like it. Kind of makes me want to wretch. Relationships

1 y

Is it ok to call off a date because he keeps calling and texting too much?

"He's being pushy that I've now lost interest in him. I feel as if part of my space isn't being respected." Well that's not good. Just really think about that, and make sure that this is not... Dating

1 y

Can you ruin a first date in 5 words or less __ __ __ __ __?

So, what car ya drive? What income bracket are you? I feel super nauseated, ugh. No sex for you, buddy! You're like my 50th date. Dating

1 y

How can a guy know If he’s Attractive/Unattractive to the opposite sex?

If they look over at you more than once, they may find you interesting or attractive. But judging by your write-up, they will lose that interest once they walk to you. You're antagonistic. Dating

1 y

Who holds a GRUDGE more... Men or Women?

Females do. Yes, I'm sure it's annoying. It is annoying. I have a theory why, though, and it's not merely choice: Female brains are different than males in that there are more cross-lateral... Relationships

1 y

Guys, is it okay if I start listing off chick flicks when a guy I'm on a date with asks me what my favorite movies and tv shows are?

Good q. I like it. I don't think you should change your answer if your true answer is this. They won't be too keen on the changing. Instead of just listing the titles, give a bit of a reason for... Dating

1 y

What's the best way to meet the love of your life in 2023?

Go outside. Speak. Smile. Have something interesting to say, so be up on the world, current events. Learn how to dress. Dating

1 y

Have you ever texted/messaged someone while you were in the shower?

Don't do it. You fry your motherboard. (Ask me how I know. Jk. Don't.) Relationships

1 y

What is the longest relationship you have ever had?

23 years and counting. Before that, 3 years. Before that, 3 x 6 month. Dating

1 y

Why some people date people who resemble their parents?

Yeah, seen this happen too. My sister basically married our stepfather lookalike. Weird. I guess it's about familiarity; and maybe comfort, affection. But there are complete coincidences, too. Dating

1 y

Is being a wife a job?

I feel like she's just using that word, but she doesn't mean it literally. No, I don't see being as a spouse as a job. It's nice that you both aren't taking each other for granted (yet, lol), and... Marriage & Weddings

1 y

How do you apologize to someone after you've really hurt them?

Is she speaking to you now, feels a little better? I read your other qs. It's a tough situation. You both had very intimate personal experiences regarding this, and I can understand coming from... Relationships

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