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10 mo

What do Men Value in a Woman?

Beauty, the body Loyalty Sensitivity, compassion, empathy, listening Being a caregiver and homemaker Having his children A cool chick who he can laugh with, doesn't have to walk on eggshells... Dating

10 mo

Would you be okay with your significant other texting a coworker of the opposite gender from time to time?

Yes. There are no leashes in my relationships. Cannot just pretend that half the population doesn't exist. Relationships

10 mo

Fiancé doesn't focus on himself whatsoever?

I wasted my time reading this entire thing with you being gay. Turns out you're lying on your account and you're a woman. I don't waste time with liars. Relationships

10 mo

I’m embarrassed to be seen in public with my girlfriend because she’s fat. Is that wrong of me to think that way?

You can be embarrassed but you should break up with her then. You're not compatible. Dating

10 mo

Would it be weird to make a playlist for a girl I like?

That is a great idea. It's charming and endearing and a wonderful way for two people to get to know one another. Flirting

10 mo

If I want a serious relationship, but I can't seem to get there in a relationship, what can you suggest?

@jamie05rhs What is your advice for her? I would suggest being very up front about this. Do not wait any time at all before telling prospective mates/dates that you have these specific views on... Relationships

10 mo

I feel like I don't fit into society and its trends and how people live on a daily basis. Any thoughts?

Reddit is overall quite toxic. You're actually more likely to get support here. Although even here (and everywhere) you will also find aggression, etc. You actually sound like a good person with a... Relationships

10 mo

Have you ever stayed in a relationship after being cheated on?

No, but many things happen in relationships between people, and cheating is just one of a myriad of things that people do to one another. Lots of people stay. But culture has shifted. Now, you the... Relationships

10 mo

Have you ever put someone in the dreaded Friend Zone?

Have I not been able to reciprocate feelings for someone who felt something more for me? Yes. I don't believe in the term 'friend zone.' Relationships

10 mo

I'm kinda lost about what to do in this situation?

You need paragraph returns. Blocks of text like this are too hard to read. Most users will pass it by. Including myself right now. Dating

10 mo

If a guy keeps getting rejected after 1-4 dates, whats going wrong?

It could very well be them, or the way society/culture is now, not anything particularly wrong with him. The most likely reason is that finding true compatibility is very challenging/tough. But... Dating

10 mo

Why all women prefer dark hair on guy?

Not really true. But it does tend to make men look harder, have more edge, more masculine, almost. (Which is all untrue. It's just a false perception.) Natural blonds can be very, very attractive.... Guy's Behavior

10 mo

Will a woman in general date a man who makes less then them?

Some will, but majority won't, it appears. Relational dynamics are changing in dating, but not that much, yet. Dating

10 mo

Have you ever reconciled with an ex? How did that work out?

No. Not really. I called up my ex a few weeks or months, maybe, after he broke up with me. I said I missed him and wanted to stay friends. He came over to watch a movie. I think I cooked dinner. I... Relationships

10 mo

Would you seriously consider marrying someone from here?

Yep, I would. To those who say these are not real people, real connections, and can therefore not create real relationships... well, you're entitled to your opinion. And I do have a friend right... Marriage & Weddings

10 mo

I’m 19, would it be ok for me to date a 34 year old?

That's a bit of a stretch. A lot of disparity there, in so many ways. Be careful it doesn't turn into a detrimental power dynamic. I am a proponent of age gap relationships. I'm find with them,... Dating

10 mo

Girls, do you like academic type of guys?

Yes, absolutely. Depending on what specific area of research he specializes in, it could create many hours of interesting conversation. I love people who are intellectually curious, and... Dating

1 y

Do girls like it when guys pick them up from their house on the first date, or do they feel uncomfortable with it?

I would love if he offered. It means more time to spend with him, getting to know him. Car rides can be fun. I never went out with complete strangers. I’d take time to get to know them... Dating

1 y

Is it possible to get better with xanax after a break up?

I don't think so. It'll just dope you up and make you sleepy, mostly. It's not an antidepressant (which I also don't recommend) which are serotonin enhancers. (And woefully flawed.) If you were... Break Up & Divorce

1 y

My boyfriend proposed but I don’t wanna marry him?

Too late. You're about to crush him. Break up with him immediately. Admit to him that you are in the wrong, here, not him, and that you did, in fact, string him along for two years. The longer you... Relationships

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