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In Defense of Wanting or Taking Your Ex Back

What if the “one that got away” truly did exist? That person that you felt a strong connection with but you were separated by an estrangement, an untimely move, or just different stages of maturity where you both were not able to resolve conflict? We have heard it all too well-that common and...

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Lessons of Getting an Ex Girlfriend Back: Week 1 Don't Beg

It is my hope that following this progression will serve useful in learning how to navigate issues you might have yourself. 2/28/21: I miss my ex at this point so I agree to meet with her. I give her a feelings questionaire that she refuses to fill out. Then we talk and we talk through...

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Lessons of Getting an Ex-Girlfriend Back: Week 0 The Confession

I broke with her twice over some stupid miscommunications and misunderstandings. It seemed like fate really. I phone v. Andriod phone missed text messages. Voicemails not discovered. horcruxes of information that seemed like smoke but in the end there was no fire of infidelity. A cluster fuck....

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Confessions of a Ladies Man: When should a woman have sex with a new guy?

The answer to this question is whenever your feel comfortable and horny enough to want it. The problem with this question The problem with this question is that women seem to be using the timing of sex as a way of communicating what type of relationship that they want to have. If you sleep...

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Confessions of a Ladies Man: Don't worry about what a man or woman says. Judge their actions!

This girl I have been dating for 3 months says she is "confused" and "unsure" about dating me. Over and over again she says she isn't ready to date me yet. All because I broke up with her a couple of times over some misunderstandings. Anyway, what are her actions? Thursday she lets me sleep...

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Confessions of a ladies man: Dont put up with the Covid19 Excuse!

I was on Tinder the other day talking to a woman we hit it off well. I asked her out on a date...but then.. Im really being careful about Covid19. Im fully vaccinated but I really want to get to know you first before committing to a date. Im careful about who I meet. Guys dont accept this...

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The Stages of Foreign Travel Infedelity

I really miss him. I wish he could be here with me! I don't know anyone. I met some really cool people today! I wish my boyfriend could meet them. Juan is so cute! He's super sweet! I made sure to tell Juan that I had a boyfriend. I miss him so much! This place is so beautiful! It's really nice...

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Confessions of a Ladies Man: Stop Saying "I Love You"

Just stop it! Stop It! Stop telling your partner that you love them. Instead, tell them WHY. Examples: "Baby, this meal is wonderful. I love you." "I love you because seeing you feels like home." "You have so much passion for your hobbies. I love you for that." "I love how your eyes are so big...

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Why Intentionally Holding Out on Sex with Men during dating is Stupid

The problem with 99% of women is they do not see themselves as offering anything greater in a relationship to a man beyond sex. This thinking has destroyed young girls and relationships. They use sex as blackmail for a relationship or to get what they want because they have no proper negotiating...

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Confessions of a Ladies Man: Nice Guys are Assholes, Bad Guys are Authentic

The Nice Guy He was a nice guy. He called himself a "feminist". He had a good job and had a good head on his shoulders. He was the type of guy who really respected women and said he wanted to treat me like royalty. He takes me to a bar and have a few drinks. By date three his is lavishing me...

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Confessions of a Ladies Man: If They Cook for You they are Falling in Love

This past Thanksgiving in 2020 we randomly chose to hang out. I am referring to me and my best friend of 12 years. I asked her out in college and she said no. She cooked a full meal for me. It was salmon with some rice. Very good. It was not a big deal. Not very different from us just sharing...

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How to Handle a Stubborn Disagreement With a Girl You Are Dating

Both of you are dating and having sex. For whatever reason both of you get into a fight and have a disagreement. She is on one side of the issue and you are on the other side of the issue. She feels strongly and you feel strongly. A weak man will simp. He will be weak and apologize even though...

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What I learned from attracting women over messaging or a first date

I have dated over 30 women slept with about half of them. None of that matters. Its not a qualification. It's just to get you to hate me even more before you read more. What I've learned messsaging women and getting them on dates is that the bullshit "be a nice guy" routine that most women tell...

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Do High Value Women Exist? Yes! Where to Find Them

There are actually high value women that exist but its often hard to find them. Here are some tips on places where you can find them. Sports League Most likely a girl at a local co ed volleyball team is sexy, fit, and has enough stability in her life to throw down some hard earned monthly cash...

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Dating Women and The Brad Pitt Test

Always Judge a Woman's Actions by asking one simple question: "Would she act this way if you were Brad Pitt?" You will know if a woman is serious about you or if you are in the friendzone based on that above question. You will also be able to spot out the women that are just leading you on and...

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How to Make a Guy Your Boyfriend

Just Ask Him Out That's right ladies. Show a clear interest! Put the mind games and the bullshit at the door. I am sure low value bottom feeder guys may put up with it. But us high value guys who are attractive and have several options in terms of women. Any hint that you are "cray cray" and we...

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What Many Women won't Tell You About Dating Online: They Want Attention Not Love

Many of my takes are not about hating women. And no, I am not some loser guy who can't get sex or women. I write controversial mytakes for your debate interest...But at the end of the day...a lot of what I write is based on data and articles read. Take this article from the huffington post. This...

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Ladies the Answer to the Question is Here at Last! Where Have All the Good Men Gone?

Ladies, you are absolutely beautiful. You are more accomplished than ever before in history. You want something more than just sex. Something profound and meaningful right? It seems the only thing missing in your life is that one guy who has the same ambition and drive as you. That one guy who...

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It's Time for Men to Be Just as Hypergamous as Women

For thousands of years a man's worth in the dating market has been his asset value and potential. His power is not in his personality or good looks or his kindness or his loving nature. What has always made women swoon has been his wealth and status. As a matter of fact, a woman speaking to a...

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Why All Women Are Manipulative Liars

First of all, you might be wondering if the title to this mytake is "clickbait". The answer is ABSOLUTELY. Of course not all women are liars. I am sure any woman reading this is an exception to the rule. But I would argue that most women are liars. Any woman reading this will be so blinded by...

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