Confessions of a Ladies Man: When should a woman have sex with a new guy?


The answer to this question is whenever your feel comfortable and horny enough to want it.

Confessions of a Ladies Man: When should a woman have sex with a new guy?

The problem with this question

The problem with this question is that women seem to be using the timing of sex as a way of communicating what type of relationship that they want to have. If you sleep with him too soon will he think that you are a slut? No he will not. Why? Because during the date or prior to having sex you should be having a discussion with the guy about what type of relationship that you are looking for. I typically have that discussion on a dating app or over text message before I even meet the girl. Typically it is very clear that we are either meeting up and the goal is to be fuck buddies or we are meeting up and she is looking to evolve into something real and profound.

Confessions of a Ladies Man: When should a woman have sex with a new guy?

This question is Stupid

This question should not even exist. The discussion really should be about how to communicate what you are looking for prior to meeting someone. It shouldn't be about some tally of days or a number of dates to communicate some stupid arbitrary message. If a nice guy knows that you are looking for a relationship, then whether you have sex on date 1 or date 6 it doesn't change a thing. This is because you are going on a date in the first place with the understanding that you both have the same goals.

What about asshole player guys?

Regardless of what you establish with a player he will end up having sex with you anyway. A player is a guy that will lie about what he wants in a relationship. So it is not something you really can avoid by holding off sex for a few dates before having sex. I used to be a ladies man and a player. I can tell you that I would go on dates with girls who were waiting to have sex. The ladies who were playing the waiting game were in my back burner. While waiting to have sex with that type of girl I would also be dating other girls and getting my sexual needs met from them.

So it is stupid to think that by waiting to have sex until date 6 that you are somehow weeding out "players" or that players will move on if you dont sleep with them. That isn't true. A player will stay as long as you want and just date other women and have sex with them while you are THINKING you are making a statement. In reality you are going to get hurt anyway.

Confessions of a Ladies Man: When should a woman have sex with a new guy?
Confessions of a Ladies Man: When should a woman have sex with a new guy?
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