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Guys would you date/marry a girl who’s 4 years older than you?
I definitely would if I believed I could be happy with them for a lifetime! There's a lot of similarities that can be shared within a 4 year age gap, regardless of whether you're older or... Relationships
Would you genuinely like to receive this from an SO?
This drawing with a heart-warming feeling of closeness, intimacy and love puts such a huge smile on my face and I'm not even the one recieving it! You put so much effort into it; to show and... Relationships
What is it like to make someone blush? To make their heart race? Give them butterflies?
It's honestly a heart-warming feeling that makes you feel mushy and very happy emotionally! For someone to blush in front of you like that, it feels like you're their role model, their... Relationships
Boyfriend has terrible hygiene. Am I overreacting?
You're not overreacting one bit! In fact, this is quite concerning because a lack of hygiene can result with health risks such as bad bacteria building up on your skin pores, to gum disease and... Relationships
Is it normal to still have dreams of your ex?
I believe it's normal if you miss them very much! You've been through quite a journey with relationships, and there was a strong, emotional connection you had with your ex. You yearn for the... Break Up & Divorce
Can a relationship that has issues in the beginning become a happy one or is it cursed?
Based on the information you've told us, I believe you two are fully capable of having an amazing and beautiful relationship moving forward! The main problems here aren't even related to your... Relationships
What does it mean when a girl say that she wants you but still she isn't ready to officialize your relationship?
There's likely a few things that are restricting her from moving the relationship forward. This could be anything from personal problems she wants to overcome first, to having an issue with the... Relationships
Why do you think people in relationships are so unhappy nowadays?
A lot of people are too fixated in desiring a relationship and when rushed, will ultimately lead into an unhappy relationship when you find out what's below the tip of the iceberg (metaphorically... Relationships
Is it okay to send my boyfriend nudes this early in our long distance relationship?
Physical intimacy is one of the most important aspects of a relationship for it to be successful! I think it's adorable that your boyfriend wants to see you, in all your pure beauty; a bit of... Relationships
Have you ghosted someone you really like?
Indeed I have and honestly, I regretted it so much for not providing closure where it was needed for my close friend who I ghosted. I've had a similar issue like this with that close girl... Relationships
Bought an extremely personal gift for him and we broke up before I gave him, it can't be returned what do I do?
You've put a lot of dedication and hard work into making that book! To throw it away or burn it would be completely devastating for all the thoughts, feelings and memories you've put into it!... Relationships
Do you consider yourself a giver or a taker in the relationship?
I'm definitely a giver! My submissive behavior and kind heart wouldn't ever tolerate taking more than what I give. I've always enjoyed giving my attention, affection and time to my girlfriend, so... Relationships
Why do people turn heartless after a breakup?
When you've invested so much dedication, affection and time to your significant other, you become very attached to them emotionally, like you feel connected as one with them. When that moment... Relationships
My boyfriend scares me when he’s angry?
To your question, yes, it is normal to feel afraid of your significant other when emotions and irrational actions are made that make a situation feel uneasy during that time. Throughout the... Relationships
What do couples argue about the most in a relationship?
From my personal experience and other couples I've seen or read about, the majority of arguments are surfaced from financial struggles, a direction of miscommunication/misunderstandings or... Relationships
Should there be any privacy in a relationship?
While I do agree that it's important to be transparent and honest with each other for the relationship to grow, each couple should have a right to their privacy when needed. This is vital to... Relationships
What do I do if my boyfriend tells me he loves me, but sees no future with me?
Talking about the corporate ladder, asking why you don't have a lot of friends, saying he'll leave you if he finds someone like him, mentioning that if you two get a divorce, you won't get any... Relationships
Do relationships get easier or more difficult overtime? Why?
It'll be combination of both in their own unique ways, similar to that of a double-edged sword. You'll become more familiar and adaptable with your partner as time progresses, yet you'll grow to... Relationships
I think I broke my manz... how can I apologise (,,•́ . •̀,,)?
Uncertainty is never a comfortable feeling in a relationship and breaking up, even if only for a short period of time, can lead to paranoia of separation. He's afraid of losing you, just as... Break Up & Divorce
Why do people make such a big deal about Valentine's day?
It does feel more like a commercialized holiday and bringing awareness to people who suffer in silence being single whether if they want a relationship or not. I feel people love the idea of a... Valentine's Day