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1 y

Is turning a gay man straight even possible?

Sure, that would be the discovery of bisexuality, and that there is a preference rather than a defined sexuality. Also known as "hole greedy" lol Other

1 y

Is there a way out after one has been slut-shamed?

Sure, I would say to only sleep around in other communities. If you're a guy and you screw too many women in your local community you're going to have a similar thing happen. Women in your... Society & Politics

1 y

My boyfriend doesn't believe anything I say. What do you suggest me to do?

Why would you think he's the one that needs work there? You don't get with someone with a goal in mind of how you think they could turn out. Sounds like either he never trusted you, or something... Relationships

1 y

Is jealousy good or bad?

I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, depending on what you're looking for. On the same token, I'm never going to say it's a good thing, like good things can happen from someone being... Relationships

1 y

Can a man love a woman without sleeping with her?

Sure, that would be called family, not all love is sexual in nature. Like something that happens in many relationships is having children. I would sincerely hope that that's a love that has no... Relationships

1 y

Do you like long drives?

For the most part, I like long drives alone, or whenever I had a newborn I was trying to get to sleep. Would I take a long road trip with my wife and all my kids? No, hell no, absolutely not, I'd... Other

1 y

Why have mass shootings recently been on the rise?

Probably a couple different reasons, one of them is likely the difference in definition depending on who is defining "mass shooting". FBI data is based on 3 or more people, and seems to have shot... Society & Politics

1 y

In light of the trans shooting, is it time to scale back "wokeness" by enacting tough gun control laws in the USA?

Neither, you seem to be the very woke block you're talking about. Forcefully pushing an agenda, wanting to identify with the least common denominator victim. Pretty sure everyone, you know, not... Society & Politics

1 y

How about smaller magazines for guns?

Magazine size is irrelevant if you know how to use tools at all. Like if all my handgun magazines become 7 rounds, I can just buy 2 or 3 of them, grind the feed ramp off the top of the lower ones,... Society & Politics

1 y

Why do some people switch their instagram account from public to private repeatedly?

Maybe someone is paying them for pictures during that time? I don't know enough about instagram to know or care, for some reason though, I had a mental image of people switching to invisible en... Society & Politics

1 y

"A love that consumes you". How do you define this?

Hmm, cocaine was a love that consumed me for a while, other than that every love I had gave me back more than I put in. Relationships

1 y

My friends with benefits hasn't texted me in a week. Is he testing me?

from the ground rules you laid out, it sounds like you aren't much of a friend with few benefits... He probably just found someone else more accessible that pays more attention to any degree. If... Other

1 y

Should I take it personally that I barely hear from my boyfriend when he is with his friends?

The double standard is a problem, I mean, whether it's for safety, control, what have you. If my wife went out say, one night a week, and I went out one night a week, if I'm off the map, I'm not... Relationships

1 y

My boyfriend doesn't care about anything. At first I thought he had a cool attitude, but now he even doesn't care about my thoughts. What should I do?

Accept him for who he is, or move on. You knew who he was when you got together, you just thought that out of all the things he didn't care about, you would be special. I mean, it sucks for things... Relationships

1 y

My girlfriend gets jealous when I hang with my friends. Any advice?

I'd recommend pushing and pulling her like taffy until she's more flexible. The first thing to come to my mind is she may be jealous because she doesn't have friends (or has... Relationships

1 y

How do I get over my infatuation with older men?

Woah. It sounds more like you have some kind of reverse loli fetish more so than liking older men at that point if you fear that turning 18 is going to make you unattractive. Most healthy,... Relationships

1 y

If someone you were in love with died, and you had sexual footage of them, would you delete it?

I wouldn't, rather I'd encrypt it and back-up to physical drives so it's harder to access. My wife and I have never talked about post death porn, I mean, I'd be dead, whether she's getting off to... Other

1 y

Finally being in a relationship has made me realize that I have "polyamorous" disposition. How do I talk to my SO about this?

Throwing in my two cents, most people who "do poly" do so for a period of time and then don't anymore. My wife and I had several other partners, all female, living the dream for, I don't know,... Relationships

1 y

I embarrassed my ex boyfriend by making him cry infront of all his friends after he cheated on me. Am I wrong for what I said?

Honestly I wouldn't feel any pity. Break it down by the numbers. Breaking up, great idea, prioritizing a clean break with his shit gone, and yours back and your hands, even better, no rebounds.... Relationships

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