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1 mo

What does poogie mean?

I think you should just ask her lol. She knows why she said it better then anyone else. How do you feel about her calling you names like this? Flirting

1 mo

How to deal with touchy coworkers?

It depends on how they’re touching you. If it’s making you uncomfortable then directly say it is. Don’t be a weirdo who allows someone to violate you. Because they will start thinking it’s okay... Flirting

1 mo

Doses she like me?

She at least likes you. But in what way? I think you should find out if she has a boyfriend. If you know she does then don’t pursue it at least for the time being. If you aren’t sure then ask her.... Flirting

1 mo

How do I respond to flirtatious lines?

Here is the thing. Ask him out directly and tell him you like him. Don’t play games… Especially if you feel like maybe he’s taking things the wrong way. It could cause him to loose interest.... Flirting

1 mo


I think you should just express directly you like him and see if he will meet you for a date, such as coffee. Stop waiting on someone else because more likely then not if they’re so far up there.... Flirting

1 mo

Should I take it seriously if a waiter called me beautiful?

I would say so. He’s either being nice, trying to get higher tips, maybe he likes you, there could be a lot of reasons. Hopefully he at least meant it. But maybe he does it as I said as a way to... Flirting

1 mo

Is it bad to dm boyfriends family I never met?

I don’t really know but what was his parole violation for? Yes it’s fine to DM his family over something like this. Relationships

1 mo

Should love towards a partner be unconditional or conditional?

Conditional to a point. I think if someone is cheating on you, being abusive, or it’s one sided where you’re putting all the effort in and your partner isn’t. I think that it’s best to break the... Relationships

1 mo

Got asked out then ghosted?

Ignore him. This is why I don’t do online dating. People who ghost someone are just cowards and can’t be honest about things. If he had a change of plans or whatever then he could tell you that.... Dating

1 mo

Is it fine to date a friend's ex?

I think it’s fine… They aren’t with them anymore and if someone is jealous you’re dating their ex I think it’s a problem the relationship is over. I don’t know why some people feel they can... Dating

1 mo

Why do courts give women so much money during divorces?

It really depends on the situation and the judge at hand. Some women do deserve more. Others don’t. It depends on the situation and I’ve seen women get FUCKED in divorces. I’ve seen it happen a... Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

Why does an ex try and make unnecessary small talk with you in person?

Every person is different. Some people are just talkative and do this to everyone. Others maybe they are reminiscing on the past or whatever it may be. It’s best jus to ask someone directly. If... Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

Why is my ex showing my best friend our pictures and videos?

What type of videos are they? Are these explicit videos? Number one consult with a attorney and look up the local laws. Speak with the law enforcement in your area and see if there is a law... Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

Should you split the bill evenly when on a date?

I think it kusr depends. Splitting a bill is a nice thing to do because you don’t have to do it. It’s a nice gesture. But you aren’t entitled to it. If you leave without paying for your half of... Dating

1 mo

True or False: Men fall in love with what they see... women fall in love with what they hear... which is why women wear make up and men lie?

I think for some people it’s true. I think people should be honest. I think lying is the wrong thing to do. Because at some point or another the truths going to come out. You want someone to love... Dating

1 mo

Were you looking to settle down with someone in your mid 20s?

I fully understand the desire to be married and have children. Especially before you get to be middle aged. But people should do it at the right time and place. For some people it may be younger... Dating

1 mo

Is it ok for a girl to make the first move?

Yes! You should make a move on someone you like. The girls who refuse to ever make a move number one limit their options. If the guys that are approaching them aren’t their type, but the guys they... Dating

1 mo

Guys, my boyfriend doesn’t like my Instagram stories or photos even when he’s in them… is this a bad sign?

I don’t think really anything of this… You said he hardly interacts with anyone on Instagram. If you really are concerned about it why don’t you just ask him about it? I don’t think it’s really... Dating

1 mo

Why do I believe I will never get married in my lifetime? Is this common fear?

I will say to pray and fast about it. Enjoy your life even if it’s hard at times. When the time is right God will bring you someone. Don’t rush into marriage. It’s better to be alone then... Marriage & Weddings

1 mo

Guys, do guys in a 10 year relationship prioritize going on dates?

I think maybe you need couples counseling. Nobody likes a nag. If you don’t trust him then that could be a problem. Has he cheated or do you have reasonable belief he is? Have you done anything he... Relationships

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