As a traditional person I always thought I’d marry young. I was always very maternal and nurturing wanted to be a mother from a very young age. I always knew I would marry when I wanted to have children.
It’s probably for the best that I waited until now because I can make better decisions. I am delaying marriage because I haven’t found the perfect person yet. I need to find aomeone who will make a good father - I never had a present father growing up and I don’t want the same for my children. At 18 I didn’t consider financial stability even though that is the most important factor in raising children. All these things are what I think about now and that is why I have not found the right person yet.
When I was sixteen I thought I’d be married by 21 with at least one child. I turned 25 a couple of weeks ago and there are no signs of a wedding taking in the foreseeable future.
In fact I am not even speaking to anyone seriously to consider marrying them at the moment BUT it is a worry at the back of my mind as I get older and closer to 30 each year. Perhaps what I have done wrong is that I have only spoken to two people who were unsuitable and wasted years with them despite them being unsuitable for marriage.
I have five years until I turn 30 in which I have to find a spouse so that I can start a family and have a child by 29-33 and then perhaps one more before I am 35 so now I don’t have any time to waste. I have to get serious about this now.
I am not a social butterfly, in fact I barely leave the house. I don’t know how I will do this in the little time I have. Some reassurance and if you share your own stories would be much appreciated - particularly how things have worked out for other introverts. I would appreciate advice in finding a husband as quickly as possible and signs on how to weed out the people who are not suitable prospects for consideration.
The internet is full of misogynistic horror stories scaring young women with ideas like: “If we aren’t married by 30, we probably never will marry.” Or that “men do not want older women and that they all only want women 5-10 years younger than they are.” Or that we have to “compete” with younger women in their 20s when we get to our thirties and that men would prefer a less attractive young girl over a very pretty older woman and that “how you age doesn’t matter - your chronological age will put them off”
I need some real life success stories of people who found true love a little later.
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