Girls, Would you still marry a man if he had CF?

I have CF and so although I'm only 16 I've never had a girlfriend and I worry that no women will want to be with me due to it. My lifespan is only up to 40 years and I almost got diabetes in 2012 due to my sugar levels at 140 at the time. My sugar levels are now in the 70s and my doctor said with how much better I'm doing since I joined a gym I could go as far as 53, but it doesn't change that I'm infertile, cough a lot, can't grow anymore (I'm 5'9"), may develop a disability in my adulthood, and I need expensive medicine to stay alive. I'm not saying I need them to take care of me but there are many unfortunate limits to what I can do for them like give them kids. Girls, considering all these things would you still marry a man if he had CF? I know I already asked this but I just want more opinions and please tell me the truth
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Girls, Would you still marry a man if he had CF?
4 Opinion