Girls, What is this women's logic about marriage?

Girls, What is this womens logic about marriage?

Most of you girls want marriage while us boys usually tend to care less about it if at all.

Most of you girls place a high importance on getting married to the point you walk away from boys, who aren't having marriage planned.

But then you girls say that marriage makes women unhappier since "men benefit from marriage at the expense of the wife" (as if we can't Cook and clean ourselves? What?). Why do you want to go down that path then if it makes you feel worse after getting married? If marriage is so detrimental or exhausting to you girls, then why do you want to get married instead of living a normally good life?

Related question in this question: Marriage always harms women, men always make a profit. Do you know?

Girls, What is this women's logic about marriage?
5 Opinion