What if she doesn't wish me a Happy Birthday?

I've liked the girl for almost a year, and some of my friends think she likes me back. We are friends on fb, and I gave her a b day message when it was hers. When mine rolls around soon, if she doesn't say anything is it bad? She didn't say anything to some of my friends but she never talked to them, whereas I've talked to her once. She knows I like her, so I was wondering if she didn't it would mean she doesn't like me and doesn't want me to get the wrong idea? She would always look at me in the halls and stuff like that and she's really shy so I don't know. She also hasn't been on a lot lately, but she does usually go on at least once a day that I notice.

If she doesn't, she I still ask her to a movie or dinner? I really like her.

Thanks in advance.
What if she doesn't wish me a Happy Birthday?
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