The danger of silence

The danger of silence



I have a scar.

A scar etched into my soul.

It is a secret I carry deep within

Pain a silent and lonesome battle

On the outside I smile and appear to be alright

On the inside storms ared never ending

I'm afraid of touch

I'm afraid of silence

Silence is when someone can hurt me

I'm alone I want to escape

Day after day I fight my battle

A weary soldier dusty and worn out

Escape escape I must

I don't run I stay there

That hand so foreign against my breastbone

I maybe could run but she is much bigger

My head is running I escape far far away

I try not to feel the sweaty palms entering my shirt

Caressing me and hurting

I pretend not to see the camera that took away what shred of dignity I had.

I want a way out .

A year passes. I dont like to dress up. I blame myself I must deserve it. I am provoking it. Why did I not run? The question haunts me.

Another year goes by. I have enshrouded myself in a vail of depression. I wear baggy clothes and no makeup. I try to hide myself because I am ashamed. I don't want to be pretty. I don't want to be violated. Many times I wanted an end. Not to die but to escape. I never did cut because I did not want the scars. I go to the hospital and feel crazy their. My behavior becomes the problem. I dare not tell them because will they believe me? Women don't abuse. I want to drop out of school school is not safe I go more than 8 hours a day with out going to the bathroom because I am scared oh the bathroom can be so scary.

Now I am 19. I look back and relize what a waste it was all those years. I forgive myself and give myself the permission to move on. I allow myself to mourn my childhood which was stolen when I was still a young child. I don't abuse myself anymore. I excersise and I am trying to get thin again after weight gain from antidepressants. I now longer remain silent. All the energy I need to heal is going there not to be silent. Silence is dangerous and lonely don't fight your battle alone.

The danger of silence

The danger of silence
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