Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

Pet peeves. We all have them. Those things that drive us absolutely insane. Things that make us want to throat punch someone and not think twice. Here are some of mine.

Loud Chewing/Drinking

Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

My absolute number one pet peeve! I can not stand when I can hear people chewing loudly or gulping when they're drinking. It drives me up a freakin wall! There's actually something called misophonia, which is basically the hatred of sounds. These are my trigger sounds. It makes me super crazy.

Girls That Play Dumb

Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

I see this way too often. From people that I KNOW are very intelligent. One of my friends does it and when I asked her why, she said "because guys think it's cute". Face. Damn. Palm. Ladies, I think I can speak for the fellas here when I say this: there's nothing cute about being dumb.

Excessive PDA

Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

I've been in this exact scenario before. Talk about uncomfortable. I'm definitely one of those people that will tell you to get a room. And don't think I'm some type of killjoy either. I don't mind your typical hand holding, arm around the shoulder, occasional kiss type of PDA. I'm talking about the face sucking, groping each other, soft porn type of PDA that people tend to engage in while standing in the supermarket checkout line. Yes, it's happened. Try explaining that to a 4 year old.

When People Don't Respect Personal Space

Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

This is so important and yet people seem to forget it all the time! My bubble is just that, MINE. People like to stand so close to you or sit damn near on your lap. That annoys me so much. Like I'll gladly invite you into my bubble for a hug or to show you something, but don't just be all up on me bruh. And stuff like this:

Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

annoys the crap out of me. If there are other empty seats available, DO NOT COME SIT RIGHT NEXT TO ME. I'll move every time. It makes me uncomfortable.

People That Say "I Could Care Less"

Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve

What makes it most annoying for me is that it's almost always used in a snarky and condescending way. Like you might want to dial back the bitchiness and actually use the correct phrase, eh?

So now that you've met some of pets, I'm interested to know some of yours!


Meet My Pet, His Name is Peeve
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