Bad Deed of the Month


I’ve been meaning to write a myTake for quite some time, but never had anything interesting to write about. But then the following happened recently and I thought it was funny/interesting enough to put in a take.

A bit of backstory...

My mother’s bank account is what they call here "high profile" (I don’t know what it’s called in English). The people who manage it work in the regular branch, but in a different sector in a different level in the building, and they do not deal with bank accounts from the regular sector. Pretty much all the employees in that sector are former employees from the regular sector and they are not known for being good at their jobs. In general, people who work at banks do not have a good reputation in my country, thanks to their laziness and arrogance, and it’s not that unusual for costumers to lodge complaints reporting their behaviour.

...And now the story

My mother gave me a credit card connected to her account for me to use in emergencies (she’s constantly travelling and I’m currently unemployed). I never had a problem with the card because I hardly ever needed to use it. But then my old four-legged partner-in-crime got sick and I had to use the card to pay my her vet bills and medicines.

The whole problem started when I had to go to the branch where my mother has her account to find out why the withdrawal fee was so damn high and if I could cash out directly with one of the tellers instead of using an ATM, just so I could avoid the high fee.

As most people tend to do when they go to a bank, I was wearing my regular everyday outfit (i.e. jeans, a plain t-shirt and a pair of Converse). When I got there, the receptionist looked me up and down and asked if I were in the right sector; I told him that I was and asked him what I wanted to know. He then asked me to show him the card and if I had an account at that branch. I showed him the card and told him that it was connected to my mother’s account, which was indeed at that branch. The motherfucker ignored my request to talk to one of the tellers and straight up told me to go back home because I wasn’t meant to be there.

His behaviour took me by surprise so instead of enquiring as to why he was sending me back home without letting me talk to anyone else, I went downstairs and cashed out from an ATM and headed to the veterinary pharmacy (as the owners are still living in the Dark Ages, they don't accept cards, it's cash only) to order my dog's medicines.

Two weeks later

My mother had returned from her trip and decided to go to that branch to see what was going on with that credit card. She asked me to go there with her, which I did because I didn’t really have anything else to do.

While she was talking to a manager, I was in the waiting room, minding my own business, staring at the telly because I didn’t have my mobile with me (it always gets blocked at the revolving door so I just don’t carry it with me when I have to go to any bank) and there were no windows or reading material available there. There were about seven other people in that room doing exactly the same thing as me, but that arsehole of a receptionist, the same one that sent me back home the other day, chose me to pick on. He walked to the sofa I was, stopped in front of me and asked what the heck I was doing there; I answered him politely that I was waiting for someone who was having a conversation with a manager at that moment. He mhm’d me and went back to his desk.

I think it’s worth mentioning that he stopped helping an old lady just to do that. It’s also worth mentioning that he was doing a large oversea transference of money for that lady from his personal mobile, which is not something appropriate as there are computers at the bank for that, and he’s not supposed to do that kind of transference, as he is merely a receptionist.

Later that night, out of anger, I lodged a formal complaint in the bank website and thought no one would even read that.

To my total surprise, not only did someone read my complaint but also the CEO was contacted and the boss himself contacted that sector and warned everybody in there that they either start being polite and do their jobs or they’ll get the sack.

“How do you know that?”, you might be wondering. Well, the answer is simple: the staff is stupid enough to tell my mother and me that their jobs are in risk because of that complaint of mine and they tried to convince me to withdraw it. Little do they know that now I am on the verge of sending another complaint reporting their request to get those retards fired.

tl;dr: Receptionist was an arsehole to me for no reason; I lodged I complaint; complaint was read; I can get everybody in that sector fired if I lodge another one.

P.S.: dog is almost fully recovered now :)

Bad Deed of the Month

It's not her in the photo, though.

Bad Deed of the Month
3 Opinion