Love Yourself

In this myTake I’m going to tell you my advice, hope it might help

Love Yourself

1. Stop criticizing yourself!

We are our worst critics and we tend to compare ourselves with people who seem to have it all.

Most of us try to fit into society and act as a different person just to be accepted.

1.1 No one judges as much as you think

I have a close friend who is nearly always thinking that nearly everyone is judging her. They don’t. People are way too selfish, to care that much about a stranger.

Most people are living in their own world and won’t even notice the things you have in your head.

1.2 Stop comparing yourself in an unhealthy way.

Realize that we all are humans and every one of us have their own problems, appreciate the hard work everyone puts in their own life and let it go.

It worked out for them, great, but just because that`s someone else’s path in life, doesn`t mean it has to be yours.

Compare yourself to your past self. See what you have already reached in life and where you are standing now. Look at your success.

"Don`t force yourself to be perfect. Nobody is perfect!"-Me

2. Work towards the future you want for yourself.

Plan out your life, set goals and figure out why you want this, to do list are really helpful by the way, get your ass up and don’t give up. Change something.

Change is important and healthy.

Learn to let go of negativity and try to be positive -Be grateful

Figure out what makes you happy and what you want to reach in your life.

Where do you want to be in a few years?

Your journey to your goal should be full of happiness, realize that happiness is not something you get through being “perfect”. Be happy while processing your goal. Don’t waste your time hating yourself when you can love yourself and work towards your goals.

Love Yourself

Great things need time.

3. Take care of yourself!

You are the first person in your life and so it`s your job to take care of yourself. If you don´t do it, who the fuck will? Improve yourself to be the best you that you can be.

3.1 Looks

Feeling good about yourself and the way you look, can be pretty helpful in the journey of loving yourself. Your appearance allows you to present your personality, the way you want it.

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. The magic behind beauty is, that first of all beauty is in the eye of the beholder and moreover you must find yourself beautiful.

It`s your life, your body and you have to be happy when looking in the mirror. You alone.

3.2. Self-Care

Moreover self-care doesn`t only have to be about looks and fancy clothes, self-care is also making sure that you do things in your life that makes you happy.

Eat healthy and do sport, it can be whatever makes you happy. You love basketball, then go out and do it or if you don`t maybe just go for a long walk every day.

Your body is your temple and you should treat it well.

Keep care of your body and your health. Stay hydrated and eat well.

Don`t have to do a died, healthy eating means that you aren`t eating fast food every day, healthy eating is to take care of what you eat and still eat things that you want to eat. Just have an eye on your eating habits.

You deserve to feel good. Be selfish sometimes and take the time for yourself! Take time to make your soul happy. Don`t allow negativity to be part of your life. If something is bothering you, cut it off.

I also like to clean, because when my environment is clean my head is in peace. It makes me feel good.

Love Yourself

4. You're unique and great therefore love yourself!

Self-Love isn`t only liking your appearance but also loving yourself as a person.

You are a unique human being. You have a personality.

First of all figure out who you are, well if you don’t know it.

Spend time alone and look at your thoughts you have. Watch out how you react in certain situations, look at how you feel and then analyze why you feel that way.

Figure out who you really are. What do you truly wish for? What are your dreams? What defines who you are? What has power over you? Do you let anyone else define who you are? What are topics you care about?

If you know who you are accept this person.

You can`t expect others to accept you if you can`t even do it on your own.

Accept who you are and why you are this way.

Doesn`t mean you should stay this way. If you are totally happy with yourself, then let it be.

But we all have some aspects we would like to improve. Some also have aspects we would like to change.

Figure out who you want to be and then figure out how you could become this person you want to be. Not meaning you should imitate someone, but work towards being the best you, you could be.

5. Don't you dare to listen to others! They are not the ones walking in your shoes!

Everyone has their own story, some have more to tell, some less. Everyone sees the world differently. There is only one you in this world.

"Got everybody watchin' what I do; Come walk in my shoes and see the way I'm livin' if you really want to" -Rihanna , Live your life

Love Yourself

6. Breathe, enjoy life and Love Yourself

...Unless you have a better idea tho

Love Yourself
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