How to Farm Rabbits for Meat and Manure

A whole ruck load of Tennessee shitbricks
A whole ruck load of Tennessee shitbricks

So the first thing you need to know, is some of the words we in the industry use

1. Male rabbit - he's a buck
2. Female rabbit - she's a doe
3. Fryer - less than 10 weeks old, between 3.5 - 5lb live
4. Roaster - 10 weeks to six months, between 5.5 - 9lb live
5. Stewer - more than six months, and at least 8lb live
6. Shitter - a de-ballsed male rabbit

That last one - well, that's one I thought up myself ;) A good shitter will produce up to 300 balls of shit per day. That's a lot of manure for you to sell on, and make yourself a tidy profit into the bargain, too!

Cages waiting for shitters
Cages waiting for shitters

You might well ask why it's so important to de-balls your shitters. There's several good reasons

1. When he's got balls, a rabbit will spray piss everywhere he can, and it stinks. It makes him stink, too.
2. De-ballsing them seems to take the fight out of them - they're nicer and easier to handle. Plus they don't bite.
3. They'll shit more, when they're not thinking about screwing other rabbits.

If you don't de-balls them, you'll regret it. Trust me on this. I bet you want to know how we de-balls them, and it's real easy - it costs about 2c per shitter. You just wrap rubber bands around his balls, and then they drop right off all on their own. Take him to a vet and you could waste $200, just on that. But for 2c, you've turned an agricultural varmint into a Tennessee shitbrick. Neat, huh?

If any rabbit does anything that eats into your profit, cull 'em. Things like this can include chewing the cages, high infant mortality, not being a good mom, all of that kind of stuff. You want docile, productive rabbits, and it will pay off in the long run, if you turn any one of them, with bad behavior, into pet food.

My next edition will be all about breeding the ones who still do have balls. What else would you like to know about farming shitters?

How to Farm Rabbits for Meat and Manure
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