Victimhood Mentality Will Ruin Your Life. How To Escape Victimhood Mentality!

Victimhood Mentality Will Ruin Your Life. How To Escape Victimhood Mentality!


Placing blame started in the Garden of Eden, Eve was deceived into disobedience towards God by the Devil using a serpent, in turn Adam blamed God for giving him a woman to be with, and Eve blamed the serpent.

Nevertheless, God held both accountable and punish them both and kicked them out of the Garden of Eden.

Point is you are responsible for the actions you take in your life, placing blame isn't going to cut it long term in your favor.

In this Mytake, I hope to share the destructional mindset of being and feeling like a victim and how to escape such destructive mindset.

You Are 100% Responsible.

Victimhood Mentality Will Ruin Your Life. How To Escape Victimhood Mentality!

I'm sure all of us can fill a sheet a paper with complaints of the all bad and unfair things that has happened to us wheather by our parents, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, school teachers, boss at work, doctors or common strangers etc.

You're not special, we all have go through bad stuff in life but if we are 100% honest with ourselves, nearly of all our pain and problems are self created, we created our mess either by sheer ignorance or plain stupidity and bad judgment on our part.

That man or woman you decided to date or marry which turned out they were bad, unless someone forced you to be with them it's your 100% your fault, since you willingly choose such person to be with.

You just can't go around and blame feminism, divorce laws, your mommy, daddy and society.

Life simply just don't work like that. You have to own 100% responsibility for your choices.

It's not traffic fault that you are always late to work, it's not Burger King's fault you are 50lbs overweight, it's not the teachers fault your grades suck and you couldn't graduate school, it's not feminism fault you can't get sex, a date, girlfriend or your marriage fell apart.

Moreover, I know and understand it feels good to the ego and see yourself as a poor victim as it abslove you of personal responsibility and doesn't make you feel like a failure but having such approach to life will always make you feel helpless and weak destroying your self esteem and confidence.

We can't control or have very little control of most things in life but the things we can 100% control i.e. who we date or marry, diet, personal fitness, your own thoughts, your individual attitude, self belief, personal effort you should take 100% responsibility and take control; having such approach will built your self confidence strong, help you mature and succeed in what you desire as time goes on because whining and moaning and pointing fingers won't do a damn thing for you but make you bitter and feel like a complete failure.

Breaking Free From Victimhood.

Victimhood Mentality Will Ruin Your Life. How To Escape Victimhood Mentality!

When I was younger I felt entitled to place blame on my parents, grandma and whoever I can think of because of my circumstances I was in that I didn't like.

Moreover, I realized feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to help me long term.

I became honest with myself and acknowledged that somethings in my life was unfair, out of my control and not my fault but came to understand the harsh and ugly reality of the matter was 95% of the mess I was in was my own doing by my own asinine decision making because I was a idiot.

My mom and grandma who I know deeply love and care for me are only humans and us humans make mistakes especially out of ignorance.

I developed a forgiven attitude towards others and especially towards myself to move forward in victory, instead of becoming a whiny little loser in life with a victim mentality.

*Keys I have adopted that have help me.

  • Forgive others. Forgiving others relieves out negative energy and bad thoughts.
  • Forgive yourself. Understand you are only human, it's OK if you screwed up. We all screw up.
  • Focus all your energy on being positive, on your goals, dreams etc.
  • Take 100% responsibility for the things that you can 100% control.
  • Don't blame others. It just puts you in a helpless and weak position.
  • Take on the challenge. Every unfavorable circumstance, see it as a mountain that is there made to be climbed and conquered. Conquer it.


Victimhood Mentality Will Ruin Your Life. How To Escape Victimhood Mentality!

Be patient. Big change doesn't happen overnight. Stay consistent and in due time, I 100% guarantee you will see positive results.

Proverbs 19:3

The foolishness of a man twists his way, And his heart frets against the LORD.

Victimhood Mentality Will Ruin Your Life. How To Escape Victimhood Mentality!
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