How do you find purpose in your life?


How do you find purpose in your life?


TLDR: * * * (TLDR found between asterisks--you can thank me later ; ) )

How the fuck do you find purpose in your life, seriously? I'm 30, and I still can't find a fucking “purpose” for my life. I don't really get it.

(Please don't give some bullshit, regurgitated canned response that you read on some website either. If that's all you got, save it for another time, por favor : )).

Also, what the fuck exactly is “purpose?” I mean is there some mythology tied into it? I mean when you think of what your “purpose” is, what exactly is it? It's certainly different than goals, b/c goals you attain and then make new ones—but a purpose seems to be some sort of underlying motivation for why you wake up every morning.

* * *

(Part of me believes that the concept of “purpose” is some commercially-propelled, post-industrialized idea that I would have never had to contemplate if I was living in some hunter-gatherer tribe far far away from here. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they have “purpose” too, and I think if you asked them, they would probably have their own answer—which then makes me think that purpose is somehow tied to mythology in a way, almost as if there's a need for us to create some sort of personalized story of how we relate to the world and shit, and if we don't have that story, life tends to suck. So maybe “purpose” and, what you might call, “personal mythology” have some sort of intimate relationship. It just seems in our currenty hypertechnological world, with all its distractions and options and what have you, that it is overwhelmingly difficult--probably the most difficult it's ever been chronologically--to find "purpose")

I think my problem is I'm pretty philosophical (also, I've got the annoying ass personality of an INTJ and 5 for anneagram, if you're familiar with either one—and I think they describe me fairly well), and so it's not easy for me to get mentally tied up into stupid shit and stupid fantasies about my own life and where I'm headed and why I'm headed there. Occasionally, I'll maintain a fantasy for a while—like when I my early twenties, I fooled myself into believing that I was going to become a great corporate or civil lawyer, and that I was going to expose every hole and weakness in the prosecution's case against my client, and that to win, they would definitely have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that my client was guilty, and even if I knew my client was guilty, I'd still make sure they'd have to prove it.

Then I did more research about being a lawyer, about getting into law school, about finding a job afterwards, etc, and I realized it was, on average, a pretty shitty, over-glamorized career.

And other shit I'd be interested in, say like radiology or something in the healthcare industry—well fuck, just about any job that's seemingly “remotely” interesting requires you to jump through a bunch of bullshit hoops to get there.

I'm not a fan of bullshit--never have and never will be. Which means, I'm never going to jump through any of those hoops, even though I'm sure I could be just as good as a radiologist as any other practicing radiologist. This frustrates me and pisses me off, and makes me not want to be “anything” because to be something typically means you've had to have jumped through a bunch of bullshit hoops, and it's against my personal beliefs to do that sort of jumping.

People tell me—I mean literally fucking everyone I've had this conversation with—something along the lines of, “well, if you really think that's what you want to do, and if you love something that much, you should be willing to do all the (stupid) steps required to get there.” (It frustrates me that everyone holds this view—b/c this view is exactly the mind frame that results in the creation of the useless prerequisites we have to fulfill to get into just about any worthy profession)

Anyhow, it doesn't really matter I guess—because I've talked to people who have had careers that I've wanted to have, and guess what? They still have existential crises, and they still wonder about their "purpose" in life.

I would just say it's much preferable to have an existential crises while you are at least doing something you enjoy doing and making good money, than to have frequently recurring existential crises while not enjoying what you're doing for work and being flat broke.

So. . .if anyone has some guidance in this regard, I'm all ears : ) .

How do you find purpose in your life?
1 Opinion