Where do you think the coronavirus pandemic originated from?

I'd say a wet market is the most likely explanation. Lately the NIH admitted to funding gain of function research at the WIV so everyone is jumping on the lab leak bandwagon. The NIH published a statement that the coronavirus couldn't be from the pathogens studied do to the genetic dissimilarity between the viruses studied and COVID-19. Rand Paul responded by saying "well they just didn't publish the one that gave rise to COVID-19".

Well there are 2 problems with this argument:

First, in order to get funding for any kind of scientific study, you need to submit a proposal to the funding agency which in this case would include a list of virus you plan on studying so the WIV would have submitted a list of viruses they were going to study before the gain of function research began. So it's not like the list of viruses to be studied in the gain of function research was only released after the fact.

And the second problem is that while the virus is mostly of bat origin, it is part pangolin coronavirus as well. This is a major hurtle for proponents of the lab leak because not only is there no record of pangolin coronaviruses being used in gain of function research in the WIV, there is no record of pangolin coronaviruses being studied in any lab experiments anywhere for any reason. So the notion that the WIV was secretly using them in gain of function research is "far fetched" to say the least.

But is it a coincidence that gain of function research was being done where the virus came from? FUCK NO!!! Did you forget what happened in 2003? If people are doing stuff conducive to the genesis of new diseases (keeping animals that are known disease reservoirs in such close proximity that they piss, shit, spit and bleed all over each other) of course scientific institutions that study diseases are going to study how zoonotic diseases jump to humans. And in November 2019, their fears were realized.
Where do you think the coronavirus pandemic originated from?
Wet Market
Lab leak
Bioterrorism (NGO)
Biological warfare
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Another problem with the gain of function notion: even if there were viruses not on the official list that were being studied, the coronavirus that gave rise to COVID hadn't been cataloged anywhere before the initial outbreak. So how could they have done gain of function research with a virus that hadn't even been sampled yet? I mean sure there is a case to be made for them wanting to keep gain of function research secret but not cataloging viruses that occur in bat and pangolin populations.
Where do you think the coronavirus pandemic originated from?
39 Opinion