Time Machine ⏲️: If you could go back what age would you return to? What age was one of the best times of your life?

Ugh šŸ˜© feeling nostalgic 23 was the age I miss. It was the age I was more care free, in college, had fun dating and clubbing. It was the bomb. Oh yeah and I swore I was nicki minajšŸ˜©šŸ¤£
Time Machine ā²ļø: If you could go back what age would you return to? What age was one of the best times of your life?
My pre-teens
My 20s
My 30s
My 40s
My 50s+
The age I'm at is perfect wouldn't go back for nothing
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Time Machine ⏲️: If you could go back what age would you return to? What age was one of the best times of your life?
54 Opinion