If You Went completely Blind What would you do For rest of your life?

What would you do? How would You Survive? Would you Try to learn to Walk around as a Blind person or would you Accept the fact that you cannot see and Give up on ever Trying to be able to Function?
Everybody is a Liar anyways Can’t believe a Word someone says and You can’t walk up to the first person you hear and Have them Buy your groceries with your phone they could just rob you off all your money if you just let them Use your phone 📱
You can’t Call the cops 👮‍♂️ every-time you need Someone to Help You Order groceries so what you gonna do?
Personally I would be Okay With being Blind I’m rich 🤑 and I can sleep and Relax wouldn’t be able to do anything But sleep and relax and eat shit and shower 🚿 but not being able to see I’d be able to Hear really well and I Have Thousands of Music CD’s I can listen too.
And The family is always 1 call away
But how do you think you would be if your eye’s eventually Gave out and you Stopped being able to see?
How Would you Survive?
If You Went completely Blind What would you do For rest of your life?
5 Opinion