I texted my friends with benefits that I had caught feelings and to say good bye he now want to talk in person, should I?

I've had a fbw for a year and a half. I ened up falling for him due to mixed signs. Not small ones, he had me sleeping over basically every night, he'd buy me things and take me out to eat, had even kissed me a few time. I hit my breaking point when he we were talking. I made the comment that he's probably friend zeroed girls what were interested interested in him. He had the comment that they knew were they stood just like I knew I was just a 'plaything'... I left him alone for a few days before coming to the decision I'll just be honest tell him how I felt and that I'm sorry but this is my good bye as im should I just threw away our friendship. He said I haven't thrown away a friendship and he appreciated everything I had said. He would like to talk in person at least once if that was okay, but I have already said my goodbye. Should I even be considering talking to him in person? I highy doubt it'd be because he got feelings as well as I don't think I could continue friendship knowing he'd want us to continue to fool around. Do I stick with my gut or do I give him a chance to say what he wants?
I texted my friends with benefits that I had caught feelings and to say good bye he now want to talk in person, should I?
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