Which came first?


(Not to offend any believers, in higher deities, but this is just my version of 'chicken and the egg').

In Christianity, they believe the Judean God opens doors and closes doors, to the different life paths they are exposed to in life. It's to protect and provide the best path for them. They can make their own choice, and some even "mess with the doors."

The door can be seen as 'divine intervention' from the higher one.


Which do you think came first? The door? or the voice of God? (Of the Judean belief, or any other religious belief).

Why or why not?

(Feel free to take this, as deep or as surface-level, as you wish).

Which came first?
Which came first?
Which came first?
Which came first?
Which came first?
Which came first?
Which came first?
2 Opinion