If you could have one phenomenal ability, and be mediocre in all the others, which one of these would you pick?


If you could have one phenomenal ability, and be mediocre in all the others, which one of these would you pick? You are extremely good in this one ability, and very much not-good ("average") in all the rest.

I know I'd definitely be picking option A. I bet most people will pick F, though.

Height / Strength / Dominance / Physical Power
Attraction / Seduction / Looking Good
Charisma / Conversation Skills / Excellent Sense of Humor
Empathy / Emotional Intelligence
Creativity / Art / Music-making
Business Acumen / Money-making Skills
Intelligence / Brainpower / Small Problem-solving Skills (no one's going to pick this)
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
If you could have one phenomenal ability, and be mediocre in all the others, which one of these would you pick?
13 Opinion