How about this song?

How about this song?

What do you think of this song:

How about this song?

• 1.) what do you think the message is?

• 2.) how does it make you feel?

• 3.) what do you think the artist meant by it?

• 4.) how do you think it made the artist feel writing/ singing it

• 5.) What pictures or songs or other things come to your mind when you *first heard it/ hear it*

How about this song?
1 y
This may be a series. 😎 I don’t expect many answers on this one, but I’m still gonna ask them, uhuhhhh 😝

Browsers and newbies- no obligation, to answer. I may literally blast a bunch. Dunno yet 😂

okay go be good ☝️

How about this song?
3 Opinion