What is the best movie trilogy in your opinion?

In my opinion, the best movie trilogy in recent memory that nailed it each time was How to Train Your Dragon. A kids movie? Possibly, but it's much more. I'll explain below.

How to Train Your Dragon 1: This movie came out in 2010, when a lot of us were young. It followed Hiccup, a misfit who just wanted to fight dragons & grow up to be an adult. As kids, we too want to be grown ups, we think it's so cool to have money & we're jealous of staying up late. We don't appreciate being a kid, when we are kids. By the end of the movie, Hiccup finds his place & his friends. As we did when we were kids. It was something we could connect to at that age.

How to Train Your Dragon 2: While I don't remember much of this movie, I do remember one thing. Released 4 years after the original, Hiccup & Toothless have grown up, so have us, the audience. As we got older, we realized that there are people in this world that really suck. This is reflected in the movie, where the villain was a ruthless Viking bent on conquest. It reflects the audience, as we grow up and start to see the bad & the good, and can tell differences between the two.

How to Train Your Dragon 3: I'll focus on the end of the movie. Released in 2019, the audience that was young when the original released was in or near high school age. I was a senior in high school, and I saw this movie with my mom, as I had the last two. At the end, Hiccup & Astrid have a family. Toothless runs off with his female counterpart, to have his family. He leaves the confine of Hiccup, and ventures on his own. This movie hit me especially hard, as I was moving to college that September. It's been a fun journey, filled with bumps, but now it's time we go our separate ways. Have a family, move in to college and be alone the first time, whatever. But times are changing, and we must go with it, as hard as it is.
What is the best movie trilogy in your opinion?
12 Opinion