How do you feel when someone says your (full) name?

For instance: my first name is Joanne, but I really do not like it being used like this, (most of the time) for many reasons. Mainly due to my mum/parents, and it being a trigger and a trauma response. Hence why I prefer Jo.

I've heard this from many people before.

Does it evoke a sense of dread for you? Or do you feel calm/nothing?

What do you feel, when your name is said?

Does it depend on tone of voice and/or who's saying it and why?

What feelings, if any, come up, when you hear it?

Why do you like/not like hearing it/in that way?

Have you done anything to try and change how you feel about it etc?

Have you changed your name? Do you prefer to use a nickname? If so, why?

Anything else you want to add, please do xx
How do you feel when someone says your (full) name?
Yes, I have a thing about my name - please elaborate
No, I don't have a thing about my name - please elaborate
Other - please elaborate
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How do you feel when someone says your (full) name?
36 Opinion