What does it mean when a girl says you're "too serious"?

I've noticed over the past year that when I speak with girls sometimes they say I'm too "serious" when I speak with them. I've asked a few friends about it and I've gotten replies like my body gestures are too powerful or I'm too rigid when I talk. So its like I'm trying too hard or too awkward. I'm starting to understand a little, but I would like some more clarity, and if anyone has any advice on how to "loosen up" I would greatly appreciate it!
+1 y
Usually I have fun for a while, but sometimes I notice when the girl is losing interest I start to become more withdrawn. I agree with being silly is key to making a girl laugh, but I think I talk about serious things right from the get go. I like the advice I've gotten so far. Thank you everyone :-D!

What would be a few things to "lighten up the mood" and a few things to notice when talking to a girl?
What does it mean when a girl says you're "too serious"?
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