Does feeling that "spark" when locking eyes indicate mutual attraction?

Have you guys ever felt an actual spark with someone especially when they lock eyes with you? I have only felt it a couple times and the one I felt not long ago was really intense. We are both in relationships so this spark is not anything we can do about but I have always thought of him as a friend, never ever saw him in that way he's not even my type looks wise but one day when we were all hanging out together I was handing him something and was sort of close to him I was leaning in to give it to him and I happened to glance at his face and his eyes were locked on mine it was an intense stare and I couldn't pull my eyes away for about three seconds. None of us said anything and I pulled my eyes away after that thinking what the hell was that and what was that jolt I felt? So I am pretty sure what I felt was a spark or a vibe or whatever but when I feel it like that does that mean he does too? That eye contact was just so intense I didn't know what to make of it. But what I generally want to know is that when you lock eyes with someone and not just across the room but up that close like I was and you feel electric after did the other person feel it too? I not even attracted to him but maybe my body is telling me I am?
Does feeling that "spark" when locking eyes indicate mutual attraction?
3 Opinion