myTakes: Other

How To Gain Respect!

Dress Appropriately. The reality is people judge, and people make both conscious and subconscious judgments about you within seconds of meeting you or seeing you from a distance. Your clothing style says a lot about you...

Advice for Guys: Avoiding A Sexual Harassment Case

Gotta tell you guys this has been in the works for the last 4 or 5 years now, something I’ve worked on here and there but finally decided to complete it when we recently had a big situation with a guy and girl on my job....

Can you choose up to seven special perks given to you, based on who you already are?

Here's an old Reddit post I did. This is the remastered version of that for GirlsAskGuys. You get these perks based solely on you being you! These apply only to those reading this post! You can choose up to seven of...

Focuses for 2023

1. My physical health. Over the last couple of years I haven’t been in the best shape. I swear I lost 10 pounds because of work stress/not eating right, so I’m 5’10 165 now. My goal is to gain 10 pounds of muscle, and run...

MCheetah December 2022 Journal Entry to Vent

This is just a journal entry for me and me alone. I don't expect anyone else to possibly understand it or get it, but writing helps me vent. I'm going to type until I feel better or reach the character limit....

Habits are a direct factor and link to intelligence

I’ve done some thinking… and after a question I had posed not too long ago, I figured I’d share my conclusive thoughts on the matter. It'll be helpful to me, if I come back later to read this, and hopefully, at the very...

The way to unlimited power: do it easy

I recently had an epiphany, and I'm assimilating what it means: As weird as this may sound I have experienced the way of reaching unlimited power, fulfillment, and happiness. And it's so simple nobody ever sees it. It is...

Pointers to drive cars in the correct manner. Common mistakes I have noticed people making. Important points/tips while manoeuvring on slopes.

This myTake is intended for manual cars only. Let's start from the basics. The Steering Angle. Most of the roads are naturally like a slope starting from the divider to the corner of the road. Kind of banking. No matter...

God created me. He made me a beautiful and special woman. I will not fake my existence. I will not pretend to be a man. I have no reason to!

I am myself. I live my life true to myself. My female appearance makes me happy. My breasts make me happy. My cute clothes and makeup makes me happy. I like cute and sweet men and being with men and making love with them...

Live life your way! It's yours's not anyone else's.

I know I'm young but I also know that life is unpredictable. So I'm gona say that life is like a river full of twists and terns, it can be calm and relaxing or scary and dangerous. But in my mind the best way to go throe...

The Serious Dangers Of Trusting And Depending On Someone Or Others. Don't Do It.

Introduction: It feels nice thinking and feeling we have people in our corner who will always be there to help us when we need it. The dependent factor brings comfort and peace and makes us feel secure help is available....

Nature selects: Bunnies Can *Only* Hop, And Here's Why

(Pictures are provided at bottom of the article, so you can see the leg/ foot of a bunny and imagine it walking in a horizontal position, versus a vertical position) *Author's note: Before you read on- this is all...

If someone hates dogs let them be.

As a dog owner, I can't even blame why some people hate dogs. if you're still confused why then I guess I'll list the reasons: 1: They beg even though they just ate and they'll break their neck or nearly break something...

Cringe - What is Cringe?

Hello everyone it's dennis, So I was wondering about this word "Cringe" that became so trendy and I was looking it up on the almighty internet of the meaning. I found out that it was about awkward moments in social...

Luck or Hard work: What matters more?

Sometimes you blame yourself for not putting in all the efforts required. The other times all the hard work that you’ve put in seem less when compared to others. There is always a goal-directed behavior that directs our...

The origin of these terms

Saved by the bell & Graveyard shift When there was a shortage of graves, because a lot of people were being barried, some peoples graves were dug up. They discovered that some of those coffins had scratch makrs on the...

Blowing Off Steam, Reflecting on GAG Feedback, and Thinking About Life

So, this is my post-reflection from the feedback I got from GirlsAskGuys users. What would you say I need to work on or improve about myself and personality? I appreciate most of the answers. It's 2am and I'm...

Victimhood Mentality Will Ruin Your Life. How To Escape Victimhood Mentality!

Introduction: Placing blame started in the Garden of Eden, Eve was deceived into disobedience towards God by the Devil using a serpent, in turn Adam blamed God for giving him a woman to be with, and Eve blamed the...

"In One of the Good Multiverse Timelines..." A What If Scenario: Part 1

You know, when I was young, my mother once flipped a coin when out one night, super-drunk, to see if it was worth it to drive home or not. In your reality, my mother got heads and slept in the car until morning. She...

Good girl gone bad

The moment I thought I lost, The moment I thought I won't make it, The moment I thought I should give up, I realized that I am the one giving up, not my fate. Yeah I am greedy. Yeah I am selfish. I am pretty bad...