No means No: Don't be peer pressure!


So since I am waiting on my laundry and I am bored I decided to make a mytake (that might had been done before I don't know Idc). About being peer pressure when my focus is more on being pressure to sex but this can apply to anything don't let someone pressure you if you don't want to do it. I might have horrible spelling and grammar I'm not going to care enough to fix it so whatever deal with it.

Lets me start off with my story of being peer pressured by a ex boyfriend. So it was a year into the relationship and more and more he kept pressuring me for sex, I was 15 years old while he just turn 18 years old. Now I thought I was ready but after we broke up I realize I never wanted it, I just did it so he will stop bitching about it all the time. I should had realized that I don't have to do what he said, if I don't want to do it I don't have to. I should had dump his ass but like a dumb 15 year old I thought he "loves me" (he still claims he loves me to this day lol). Now I was comfortable with having oral sex but never with vaginal sex. I know some douches on here will say "well you deserve it your a fucking tease". But here me out I was ONLY comfortable with oral sex not vaginal. We not all the same, some of us might be comfortable to do things while others aren't that doesn't mean I deserve to get pressure and I don't deserve to be call a tease because guess what I don't want to give him virginty I didn't want to. If he didn't like that we only had oral sex he could had LEAVE the relationship not stay if that bother him so much. So here a good example I thought of (its a different situation but just apply to sex).

Boyfriend: Hey babe can you make me my dinner again?

Girlfriend: I have made your dinner for the whole week I don't want to today I'm tired

Boyfriend: What the hell! you make your family dinner all the time why can't you do that for me?

Girlfriend: BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TO IF I don't want to, with my family I am willing to do it, not for you every single day. DEAL WITH IT


Now even though this is about cooking it kinda still applies to my situation in a way (if you can't see it Ok whatever) but boyfriend demands sex, I refuse, he brings up how we always do oral why not actually sex, my answer is I don't have to if I don't want to (then put in reason). Then he will try to bring me down to try to get what he wants. I realize that I don't have to do whatever someone said to me if I don't want to (under reasonable reasons). Plus its ok say to no its not the end of the world if this person can't deal with it. Sometimes you have to cut some people out of your life if they don't respect your decisions in life.

No means No (don't be peer pressure).

Plus if this person who keeps peer pressuring you and refuse to do what you ask them (for anything) then you have every right to say fuck you.

No means No: Don't be peer pressure!
5 Opinion