6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender


Shout out to @Swanny for sending me a message and making this request. Majority of my teens and to this point I have been in a relationship. Now the request was how can an average physically fit person attract the opposite gender? It is tough when we want love, when we are searching or when it comes our way. How can you attract them or even how can you keep their attention once you’ve got their interest. Well here are 6 simple ways you can attract the opposite gender.

1. Put a smile on

6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender

Happiness is the key to success, and this applies to the laws of attraction, too. Women, to successfully catch the eye of that special man, flash him a simple smile. A 2011 study shows that happiness was considered the most attractive emotion women expressed. It makes women or even men more approachable. Also make sure when you smile it’s a genuine one (As I personally like to say “I love my men like my juice, naked. All natural preservatives no fakeness.”)

2. Maintain Pearly Whites

6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender

It seems Mom was on to something when she forced you to brush your teeth two times a day. People who have a white and even set of teeth are viewed as more attractive because teeth are indicative of health and good genetics, according to a 2012 study. Also let’s face facts if a person has 1. Bad Breath 2. Yellow Teeth and 3. Teeth that just look not taken care of it should indicate what kind of a person you’ll be with.

3. Lady in Red

6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender
Ladies, one lip color that will always be in season and never out of style is red, so be sure to have it handy, especially if you want to attract that mysterious stranger. A study in 2010 stated men gazed longer at females with red lips than another color. Red enhances your sexual attraction/ sex appeal. Red will make men’s blood boil and have them melt at the same time when you kiss them.

4. Voice Pitch

6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender
If you’ve managed to catch the attention of that special someone and are planning to strike up a conversation, be sure to modulate your voice. For men, women with higher voice octaves are significantly more attractive, according to a 2004 study. So with that being said, ladies ditch that husky Scarlett Johannsson voice and embrace your nasal voice. In regard to men, deep and seductive voices à la James Earl Jones are attractive to women — but only for a short-term fling. In other words, men stick to your regular voice tone, unless you’re looking for a one night stand.

5. Only a Spritz of your favorite Perfume/ Cologne

6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender
To attract women, several men douse themselves in layers and layers of cologne, so that special someone can catch a whiff. However, the signature scent that attracts the ladies is not found in a department store but rather on your body. A man’s natural body odor can easily attract women and unconsciously lead to an increased desire to mate.

6. Play hard to get

6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender
It’s time to play the dreaded brain-teasing cat and mouse again to attract a member of the opposite sex. This odd human behavior entices men and women to become more drawn to each other because it provides an element of surprise. . If a man reserves some of his feelings at the very beginning and creates some mystery, he'll be more likely to lure a member of the opposite sex.

Alright so thank you again Swanny inboxing me this wonderful “myTake”. If any of you ladies or gentlemen for that matter would like for me to post another wonderful “myTake” feel free to inbox me or better yet inbox me and I can link this account to my YouTube account so I can start making Vlogs on any sort of advice you need. Please feel free to comment below. Thank you everyone and god bless <3 xoxo

6 Ways to attract the Opposite Gender
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