Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...


Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...


Hey guys!! I'm back with another myTake! I hope your day is going well. And if not, well I hope it gets better haha. That being said, enjoy my ramble about the craziness my SO would/will have to put up with when it comes to being with me.


1. Me Being Extremely Awkward And Isolated Sometimes

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

For me, I'm so used to doing my own thing and being a loner that It's actually really awkward for me to interact with people most days. Unless I have a certain goal I tend to be the "typical" shy, bubbly, and quiet girl in public.

2. If My So Asks To Go Through My Phone; We Have A Problem

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

Okay for me, it's not that I have anything to hide. Trust me lol, I don't. I'm extremely faithful and I'm not the kind of girl who goes for a casual hook up or something. It's just that if my SO feels like they need to go through my stuff. It means we have no trust, and that would hurt me to know that. It would probably cause a fight and I'd be like:

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

If you look through my phone...I mean now I know where we stand and we're going to spend some time apart for a while because we have some shit to consider. Like do you actually want to be with me, because without trust what we have won't last. That's just how I am.

3. Yes, They Can Be Annoying/Wild But I'm Spending Time With My Siblings When I Can

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

I say this because all my siblings are females and we can act pretty wild, and I know for the people I normally date it's a bit much in the beginning but I'm still going to spend time with them because that's my family. They're apart of me.

4. Sometimes I Might Have Male Friends

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

Honestly, most of my friends have been guys and I never found a problem with that. I think it's fine for women with SO's to have male friends. That's another aspect of trust to me. I actually get in some annoying arguments with my boyfriend over this now.

Sometimes he'll say stuff like "Why does it have to be a guy friend? Why can't you have a girlfriend or something?"

And it annoys me because it's doesn't have to be a guy but what's wrong with male friends?

I don't know, I mean I'll listen to what my SO has to say but I can be friends with guys in general. I'm not changing that. I'll just be respectful and have boundaries like always.

5. I'm Can Be A Huge Tomboy Here And There

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

Because I grew up with a lot of guy friends and cliques I'm used to kind of doing boy things and being pretty tomboyish. As I've filled out and grown up more I'm definitely becoming more feminine but I still have my moments and I wouldn't change it for the world. I'll take a pair of tennis over heels any day.

6. I Enjoy Being Rough Looking And Natural Most Days

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

That means I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, no. I'm not dunked in makeup or pumped with silicone to have a big ass or breast. I don't hate or judge women who do those sorts of things, but for me, I like feeling kind of clean and I only dazzle myself up when I'm going somewhere important for the most part. So my SO would have to live with the fact that I'm going pretty much bare when they're with me most days lol.

7. Accepting The Fact That I'm Bisexual

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

Surprisingly, this is a huge problem for some people. They think it's harder for bisexual people to be loyal and that they're always up for threesomes and stuff like that. I don't know, it' creeps some people out too. But basically, my SO would have to be okay with this to be with me.

8. I'm Not A Stay At Home Kind Of Woman

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

I say this because I do a lot of acting, theatre, and filming work. Currently getting ready to go to school to pursue my career in directing and producing.

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

That means traveling and SUPER busy hours. It won't stop me from trying to be the best woman I can be for my SO but it's definitely something they'd have to be okay with.

9. My Tastes And Interests Are Pretty Peculiar

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

I 'm honestly into a lot of uncommon and weird looks. I can look like a hellraiser reject or like I was pooped out by a pony on glitter dust. Sometimes a tomboy style, or a hippie style. I border into a lot of shit lol. That includes music, art forums in general and more. So my SO would probably have to be okay with being stared at in public often because of me lol.

10. I Like Going On Dates/Spending Time Together Often

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

That be something really expensive and nice. Or ever something like a picnic or something we prepared for.

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

I enjoy creativity and effort plus I want to spend time as much as possible because it just feels good to me. I'm caring through my actions more so than my words.

11. I'm Argumentative So My SO Would Have To Be Pretty Damn Good With Winning Arguments

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

12. I'm Pretty Protective When Push Comes To Shove

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...

I'm really loving and I'm not a fan of someone disrespecting my SO or possible danger going on. I get harsh with my approach to things. I do try to remain practical about it though.

And yeah, that's it for noe. I hope you all enjoyed. Or Not, both are always welcomed.

Things My SO Would Just Have To Live With...
12 Opinion