A Q and A about relationships Groot


I'm talking to this talking tree about relationships

A Q and A about relationships Groot

what kind of qualities do you look for a in a girl?

I am Groot!

Oh, so someone that has growth potential

A Q and A about relationships Groot

What advice would you give to those looking for a relationship?

I am Groot!

I see, so look for something that is bearing fruit

A Q and A about relationships Groot

if you had a first love, what do you love the most?

I am Groot!

Interesting, someone that helps your friends, aww that's sweet

A Q and A about relationships Groot

So, there is no other type of love for you?

I am Groot!

Ok, video games in peace, I am sure you will change as you get older

A Q and A about relationships Groot

What advice would you recommend for those in relationships?

I am Groot!

I see, water them daily with things that relationships need

A Q and A about relationships Groot

But what if one person is too busy to water their relationships?

I am Groot!

Dry up! But that is for plants... wait... I think I get it

A Q and A about relationships Groot

What would you recommend for an overall maintenance of a relationship?

I am Groot!

Watering and plenty of happy smiles followed by sunshine

A Q and A about relationships Groot

What is a parting word of encouragement that you could leave with everybody?

I am Groot!

A Q and A about relationships Groot

Awww that is so sweet, I am going to leave it to gag to translate those final thoughts

A Q and A about relationships Groot
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