What girls really want to hear (relationships, feeling loved/appreciated)


I noticed that many of the questions on here, both from girls and guys, are about whether what someone said meant a certain thing or something else.

I'm an 18-year-old girl who wants to share what I personally like hearing from guys and why. Most of this is based on my experiences with two guys, with whom I shared a very close friendship, with one of them a relationship. I love the other one, but we can't be together, just to give you some information on my background.

How I feel around you I
How I feel around you I

"You're mine"

From: spouse

Why: Honestly one of the best things to hear in a relationship or when pretending to be in one. I'm a little weirdo when it comes to this because I love feeling like a guy "owns" me. I don't mean that in a bad way, but I want to get married, which is why I really enjoy hearing "you're mine".

Dark times
Dark times

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

From: friend, spouse

Why: I often have meltdowns where I feel awful, my mood swings are horrible and there's not really anything anyone can do about it - but I appreciate it so much when guys ask whether there is something that they can do.

It shows that they try to care and that they don't think I'm worthless or annoying.

"You're the best thing that every happened to me"

From: spouse

Why: This statement shows deep appreciation if used sparsely.

"You're (my/a) sweetie/cutie/nickname"

From: spouse

Why: Nicknames are cute, but I love being called a sweetie. There are several synonyms for this expression in my mother tongue, which makes it even more special to me... I love hearing it.

How I feel around you II (Photo by Hermansyah on Unsplash)
How I feel around you II (Photo by Hermansyah on Unsplash)

"You're an amazing woman/man"

From: friend, spouse

Why: Nothing is better than being appreciated. That's it. Men in particular who see you thrive are absolutely great and amazing, especially when they comment on it. This statemtent is best accompanied by a reason why he/she is amazing to make it truly awesome.

Youre my secret cave where I feel safe. (Photo by Tyler Shaddix on Unsplash)
You're my secret cave where I feel safe. (Photo by Tyler Shaddix on Unsplash)

Which other statements make you feel loved and appreciated?

What girls really want to hear (relationships, feeling loved/appreciated)
41 Opinion