Men should NOT have to pay for everything in a relationship!

Men should NOT have to pay for everything in a relationship!


Wow. I have not written one of these in a long time! Hope everyone is keeping well, despite the current world affairs! The reason why I am writing this myTake is because of what I see on social media.

Even though I do not use social media in my personal life, one of my side businesses is social media management. That means I do a lot of work for clients on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. When I'm bored, I will sometimes just view random profiles, and I have seen one recent trend that I would like to discuss and get feedback on.

Now, I always like to begin with this statement - I am not bashing all women. I say this, because people get defensive when you mention their gender. I am not writing this to be offensive, so please don't take offense to anything in this myTake!

So, what is the trend I've seen on social media? I see a lot of women saying the following (I am quoting them word for word):

-"If a man can't help pay my bills, I don't want him."

-"A man should pay for everything I do. He should handle all the bills, all of our dates and be able to afford gifts on a whim."

-"A woman should have her own money and a man should have his own money. But a man should be able to pay for everything I do while I save and keep my money. That is what my father did with my mom and that is what I expect my man to do."

You see those 3 points above? Those are actual quotes from women on the subject. There are many more examples I have, but those quotes signify exactly why I'm making this myTake. Maybe I'm a "new school" man, but I don't think a man should pay for anything a woman does. This has nothing to do with chivalry. In fact, let's take this back some decades. Let's take it back to the 1950s.

A brief look at history:

Men should NOT have to pay for everything in a relationship!

In the 1950s, it was expected for a woman to stay home and raise the kids while the man worked and made money. With this logic and the way things were back then, it made sense that a man would pay for everything, right? Now, let's take it to present-day.

In 2020, men are working full-time jobs and women are working full-time jobs. Men have their own money and women have their own money. Women are also working hard to be equal to men, and in many cases (especially in my own personal life), I know a lot of successful women who are making way more than. This notion that men need to pay for everything seems outdated and outrageous, wouldn't you agree?

Respect and equality, what's that?:

Men should NOT have to pay for everything in a relationship!

I don't know about you, but when I am in a relationship with a woman, I need to look at her as my equal. If I am paying for everything, how is that woman my equal? How can I respect someone that doesn't put in anything or contribute? To me, when it comes to relationships, EVERYTHING should be 50/50:

-A man and woman should pay bills equally.

-A man and woman should pay for dates equally.

-A man and woman should pay for their kids equally.

-If you want material items (such as clothes), that should be on you and you should use your own money.

Partners, in my opinion, need to be equal and there is nothing equal about one person paying for everything while the other person just sits back and watches.

In addition to that, if a man is paying for everything a woman does, he holds the power in the relationship and he will feel he can do whatever he wants since you're not contributing financially. I have seen this happen many times.

Take my mom and dad for example. My mom works and my dad works. My mom doesn't pay for anything. My dad pays all the house bills, he pays for both of their cars, he pays for the groceries and everything. Since my dad pays for all this, my dad decided to only put his name on the deed to the house (since he paid for the house himself and pays all the bills) and he also put my moms car and her phone under his name as well, since he pays for that.

In this entire relationship, I have seen my dad do some shady things and he doesn't really respect my mom. He is always telling me how she doesn't contribute to anything and I know he feels a type of way about this. Also, since my dad pays for everything, that means my mom DOES NOT own anything except the clothes on her back. Everything is in my dad's name, since he pays for everything. So, if a man pays for everything you do, in an actual sense... HE OWNS YOU!

Final Notes:

Men should NOT have to pay for everything in a relationship!

I apologize if this myTake isn't well written. I am under a time crunch, but I just wanted to get my thoughts out there! So, here are my questions to you:

-Men... would you respect a woman if you had to pay for everything she does?

-Ladies... do you expect men to pay for your lifestyle and all the bills? What are your thoughts on this?

-Ladies and gentlemen... in this modern day and age where BOTH men and women are working, do you expect everything to be paid for a split 50/50?

Men should NOT have to pay for everything in a relationship!
75 Opinion