5 Awesome Male Relationship Consultants Men Should Definitely Listen To

As a female relationship consultant, I am willing to take on the right male clients that seek my advice, but there are some times when I will refer clients to a male dating/life coach who can better relate and empathize with their experiences as a man.

There are many hardworking and respectable male dating and relationship consultants out there producing great content and offering valuable services, but there are a few outstanding men that have proven to be positive, influential voices in the dating and relationship niche. These are professionals that all men could benefit from modeling their mentality after.

Nick Notas

Nick Notas is a dating and self improvement coach for men. He's helped tens of thousands of men build self esteem, develop social skills, attract the women they want, create healthy relationships with women, and repair existing damaged relationship with women as well. He offers a lot of great advice on texting with women and how to make a great first impression.

Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey is a British life coach, YouTube personality, and writer. In 2013 he released his first book, the New York Times bestseller Get The Guy: Learn Secrets of the Male Mind to Find the Man You Want and the Love You Deserve.

He has made many television appearances, including being the matchmaker on NBC's Ready For Love. He's also provided as the resident expert on the Today Show.

James Sama

James Michael Sama is an internationally known speaker and author. He speaks at live events across the U.S. and has become a go-to expert with media outlets such as CNN, Bravo, The New York Post, The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, and CNBC,

James is known for promoting healthy, positive masculinity an femininity, and understanding how men and women can best partner with each other, not compete with each other.

Charles Orlando

Charles J. Orlando is a relationship expert and the author of five acclaimed books -- The Problem with Women... is Men book series, and The Pact: Goodbye, Past. Hello, Love!, and he serves as expert host of the hit show Seven Year Switch on Lifetime.

Harris O'malley

Harris O'Malley (AKA Dr. NerdLove) is an internationally known blogger and dating coach who gives dating, relationship, and sex advice to the modern nerd. He has many great articles and videos that tackle the real issues such as incels, attraction, anxiety, nice guy/bad boys, masculinity, mental health issues, etc.

5 Awesome Male Relationship Consultants Men Should Definitely Listen To
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