You Get What You Give! (Why I Love Being A Traditional Woman :) )

I'd like to say kudos to @MrOracle for his new take: Why Men Aren’t Committing To Relationships
because it's pretty straight-forward, and UNFORTUNATELY, true.

I think one thing that society - really Western society - misses is that while they're all fussing and complaining about men not wanting to commit and about women wanting to be promiscuous and all that, we traditional families are just sitting back watching and smiling. And I feel weird calling it Western society because I'm from Latin America and it is absolutely NOT the same as it is in the U.S. Here are some examples:

1. We are taught "body over mind."
Yeah, I'm not even kidding. We are taught to be fit for our husband, to be his go-to pleasure, and to be that only for him. Make him feel like a man. When he cries, wipe his tear and tell him how much we love him and how amazing of a man he is and how much we appreciate his hard work. Yeah, to us, toxic masculinity is not valid because, you know, masculinity isn't determined by expressing your emotions. Actually, the more passionate he is the better!

2. Yes, you're supposed to do for your partner.
Did she really just say you should do for your partner?
Uhhmmm... YEAH. Selfishness doesn't make a relationship. A relationship takes two people to make things work, and if any limits are put on it, then it won't last and apparently isn't worth it anyway. We women are taught to do for our men, such as having kids and giving him something amazing to come home to, and the men are taught to provide unconditionally, whatever it takes.

3. Divorce is looked horribly and very negatively upon. One who divorces is evil.
If you're gonna tell a partner wedding vows, at least mean it when you say it. Otherwise you're just blowing smoke, and you can't expect trust from anybody after that. Therefore, we don't sign what's called a "pre-nup" in the U.S. because we are committing to each other for that NOT to happen, so why would we sign for something that we are literally promising won't happen? You're cutting your foot off before you get in the door.

Divorce rates are WAAAAAYYYY lower.

You Get What You Give! (Why I Love Being A Traditional Woman :) )

Woah... What a difference in trend.😯

There are many more but I won't go over all of them tonight. Now let's turn this to the part where men are wrong:


Do men really want to commit to relationships? Most men don't actually decide to want to commit until their late 20s-early 30s. This runs into a problem for men: now the good younger women are taken and married and you're left with whores. Then they complain that they can't commit to a good woman. Well... you brought that on yourself. Try committing earlier to begin with instead of being a whore as well. You get what you give.

However, I've seen men in their early 20s propose to a woman, ready to give it his all. I see this ALL THE TIME where I'm from! Wait... That's totally not normal! No, in countries like the U.S. it's not, because if the woman is wanting to do everything by herself and does not need a man and he doesn't need her, then why should he waste his time? Aren't you people in America doing some kind of thing where the woman proposes to the man now? Okay, well take the lead and let's watch how that goes.
It's not like this where I'm from. Oh no, nothing close. Men (and women) are NEEDED. That means that 99% of the time the man provides and the woman is the childbearer and nurturer. Which is okay... nothing wrong with that... But if we all decided to abandon that, have sex with whomever we want to when we want to, abandon responsibility, dress like we have no idea what "femininity" even is or like we've ever heard the word... let's be real, why WOULD a man want us if we were like that?
Just as we don't want a man who has whored around all during his teens and 20s yet wants us when he's older and ready to settle down. Ummm NO. Next.

So what do I get out of being traditional?
Well I will say that I've had marriage proposed to me by a very good man, I've been asked ABOUT marriage I can't tell you how many times and that's since I was 15, and best yet: men don't disrespect me as much and so many guys are actually nice to me, very respectful for this reason. I know women who love to walk into somewhere almost naked yet then complain about being sexualized. I mean... 😂 Do I get a blown-up inbox and phone with guys being disrespectful? Yeah. Any woman is gonna get that, really. I avoid those disrespectful pervs. But I can say this: I've had many people ask me why men are so nice to me. And it's true; there are plenty of men who have done a lot for me just to show me adoration. And obviously I haven't been into them back, but my point is that the guys who do this tend to be gentlemen. And the ones who aren't usually gentlemen tend to change to it when they're around me.
The lesson here is not that you should be trying to impress other people but that you get what you give. If you give people something to respect, generally that's what you're going to get: RESPECT.

Conclusion: So here's the thing... You get what you give. You can't be a man and trick and deceive women and whore around in your younger years and expect a traditional woman to want to marry you, be good to you, and submit to you like that. You can't be a woman and whore around or dismiss men because you don't need them and expect a man to want to marry you. If you want a more traditional partner, then you need to give that partner what they're looking for - a.k.a. what do you bring to the table? Because as much as men like to push this off on women, men in these countries tend to be the SAME way: wanting better than you deserve.
If you're somebody who prefers to live casually or just has no interest in serious relationships then this post doesn't really point in your direction, so keep it hanging ✌️

Personally, I think a BIG piece of this is humility. It seems like the genders want to live for their own selves and not acknowledge that we need the other. I'll be honest with you: I can't fix a car. I'm not even gonna try because I don't like getting dirty. This would be where my husband comes in, if that situation ever happened. (Actually, I'm not good with my hands at all. I'm no good with manual labor lol) Getting along requires humility, and until our world sees that, we will make no progress.

So although I do agree with MrOracle's mytake, men are no more innocent than women are.

You Get What You Give! (Why I Love Being A Traditional Woman :) )
Post Opinion