Can a Guy Be the Prize in a Relationship?

Can a Guy Be the Prize in a Relationship?

First consider how different types of relationships work. In a traditional relationship, the guy PROVIDES things to the woman in exchange for loyalty/respect, her having kids. But mostly it's all being provided by him. The tangible stuff that you can put in the bank or buy property with is all on his side. In a modern relationship, the feminist says that you have to share 50/50 but we also know that even the most hardcore feminist is totally fine with getting more than she puts in so what ends up happening is that the guy actually gives more than half. Especially since she believes him giving her things is proof that he values her. It doesn't even matter if she's worth $1 billion and he's only worth $400k. She will still expect him to give her things to 'prove' something.

So in both types of relationships the guy must be the prize when it comes to ability to provide/expectation of providing. If you don't like thinking about money then you can think about physical protection aka security. When a criminal shows up at 3AM to kill/rape/loot, she ain't going to run to protect you. You're expected by tradition & society to protect her. It's not even negotiable. It just is. And ignore the women who claim they would protect their man because talk is cheap. Fact is that very, very few women die protecting their man. Lots of dudes have died protecting women. Insane numbers of dudes. How much is your life worth? If you think it's worth a lot then you're the prize. If you think it's worthless then you're not.

And this is probably why -- not counting really young & desperate dudes -- men control marriage. We decide when we get married & to who. Not women. Women control who has sex with them tho. But guess what? Sex is cheap & easy. Marriage is not so a lot of women who look hot have never gotten a ring even tho they want one.

Lastly the value of dudes increases with age usually. So does socio-economic standing. The value of women fades with age. But the other thing to understand is not every woman even starts out with the same value... and some can go up in value at some point & decline later than others. It's not all about looks either. Dudes consider her character and that's very important when it comes to the ring thing I mentioned. But meaningless if it's all just about sex.


This is NOT to say that a woman is worthless. It means that from the male POV, you should be the prize, not her. And women don't respect guys who worship them anyhow so there's no upside to you thinking otherwise.

Can a Guy Be the Prize in a Relationship?
36 Opinion